you need to know that I care so little about the Clintons that I only
learned about Chelsea's impending marriage to Marc Mevinsky last
week. Even then the name of the groom's mother, Marjorie
Mevinsky, failed to resonate in this pea brain. It was only
late last night, while reading A Tale of the Two Mezvinskys, that things jelled. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky!
Flash back to 1993. Bill Clinton's massive
tax increase, the biggest in U.S. history, and one that would be
applied retroactively, was looking as dead as Jerry Parks would soon be. I think half the nation was watching the
televised House vote. If this legislation went down to defeat, we
were told by a worried media, it would mean Clinton's presidency,
just months old, would be an abject failure. YES!
With time expiring, the bill needed one more vote to pass, and there
was just one Representative who could save it, Marjorie
Margolies-Mezvinsky was a freshman Democrat from Philadelphia; a star in the making, having won in a district which had sent
only Republicans to Washington for 80 years. Everything now hinged on
her, and here she was talking to a Philadelphia television
reporter, saying that she would absolutely honor her
promise, and vote against it! "I have to go vote now," she said,
ending that interview. The nation watched. She was
surrounded by the Democrat leadership, the clock ticking. At the
last moment she cast her deciding vote. FOR! I, along
with a vast majority of Americans, sat stunned.
Later we learned how this Quisling's betrayal was engineered. As
she entered the House chamber a phone was thrust into her hand.
It was a frantic Bill Clinton on the other end. Please please please! What can I do for you? Don't worry about your district; I'll personally campaign for your reelection in '94. Please please please! It's for the children.
Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, having already lost her her soul,
lost her House seat in 1994. But, Marc got Chelsea. That's
my story.