Friday, September 03, 2010

Now Serving ... .

The Face of Islam

Boned Jello

Open to interpretation, but I find this picture downright chilling.  It appears the executioner is looking at the "check-out line"  while he tends to the current "customer."   Or, perhaps watching the face of the victim's family as he prepares to take a life. The face of Islam.


skidmark said...

From the looks of things "he" is a she. That would also fit with what little I know of Islam's "rules" for interaction between males & female. And that makes it just that much more chilling, as the female is supposed to be te nuturing half of the species. (OK, certain insects and arachnics aside.)

stay safe.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Do you care if it's a male or female viper that bites you?

Anonymous said...

This picture really captures evil. NEVER trust someone that wears their watch under their wrist. Pure evil.

Anonymous said...

They wear wedding rings?

Chuck Martel said...

The weird thing about Izlam is that women can wear gold jewelry but men can't. Don't ask me why. You can't rationalize with irrationality.

JMcD said...

I think it's a guy and that's a goat 'sweetheart' ring.

Anonymous said...

'SCUZE ME??? I wear my watch under my wrist, but I don't wear a burka or carry a semi-auto (S+W wheel gun works for me.) I resent you saying that I can't be trusted... ah, well... come to think of it... nevermind!

Name (optional) said...

JMcD: The goat's revenge. (NSFW)

Anonymous said...'ve given me my first big laugh of the day. Thank you...

Ad rm...

Chuck said...

Crappy grip. Too low and off center and whats up with that thumb over thumb thing? The support hand isn't really doing anything to help the grip at all and will do nothing for recoil management. Now for the stance. WTF is up with that right handed reverse weaver POS he/she/it has going? Eye dominance problems? Really left handed and faking it so no on knows she eats with the hand she wipes with? Whomever is training these wookies, keep it up. I guess when you are engaged to a goat these things happen..

Anonymous said...

John Wayne wore his watch under his wrist, so do I, on occasion- the the watch is more protected there.
That is moot the burka clad Ork looks is aiming at people with a SIGMA, that's evil.

Arthur said...

Um, I'm pretty sure that photo is one of the women the U.S. Marines are training to be Iraqi police.

And I guess I'm different from the other commenters, but to me a women with a gun says "Not easy prey" to predators.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Well, she is wearing the same distinctive black sack.

DougM said...

Looks more like the gunman has his eyes clamped shut and is slightly turning away as if it was the first time they'd ever fired a weapon and is afraid of the *bang*.

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