Tuesday, September 07, 2010

People who should be strangled in their sleep

SEIU President Admits
‘I’m Totally Involved in
Distorting the Political System’

June 20, 2007

Union Leader Andy Stern of SEIU, described by Business Week as a man who wants to "radically retool the U.S. Labor movement", discusses with NDN Globalization Initiative head Rob Shapiro the significant challenges facing unions in a world of fierce global competition and stagnant domestic wages.

If I wanted to draw comparisons between Obama's people and Hitler's (but, I will not),  former SIEU chief thug Andy Stern would find equivalency with the SA's Ernst Röhm.  That's all.


Anonymous said...

And I could have TONS of fun with that comparison but I wont.

JMcD said...

Hey Andy Stern does have a purdy mouth, don't he?

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about YouTube, but how is it that an hour and 17 min video is up there, but I can only post 15 min at a time?

CDR J said...

So is Obama going to schedule a night of the long knives, so that Stern ends up like Ernst Röhm?

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