What's lower than an ambulance chaser? Answer. This guy has to look up at them |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, September 06, 2010
Scumbag, Inc.
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Ralph Gizzip said...
I saw this via a link from Insty. Already done.
wv = "underist" Steve Gibson lies on his back so he can be "teabagged" That because he's an Underist. -
9/6/10, 6:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Did you 'Al Gore' that photo?
Tim -
9/6/10, 7:01 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
9/6/10, 7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Look at the bright side. When we get to heaven, there wont be any lawyers there.
Tim -
9/6/10, 8:00 PM
Chuck Martel said...
Everybody hates lawyers until they need one.
9/6/10, 9:22 PM
Anonymous said...
er.... our beloved Badanov? Go Chris!
Frank G -
9/6/10, 10:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I've done dozens of closings and yeah, I need a lawyer for them. But why? I read the piles of documents. I understand, for the most part, real estate legalese. Because if some one I'm buying from sticks the pink salami in, I have a fallback.
What do you mean a fall back? My lawyer gets handed the pink salami, that's what. Nice huh? But baby, that's life today in America. He knows it and charges accordingly. It's built in.
But what I don't fucking need are the legions of ambulance chasers causing the price of a band aid on a hospital bill to be $50(it's a metaphor Chuck)
There's a reason why trial lawyers are the dems' second biggest contributors and it's not because they want the legal system changed for the better. They're vultures who use 2,500 page bills and liberal judges to befuddle this country.
There's a world of difference between having your lawyer write a letter to a neighbor and POS like the above trolling for millions. Or POS lawyers and their affirmative "class" action suits-just this week WalGreens paid millions for bullshit.
Think they ate it Chuck?
MM -
9/6/10, 10:08 PM
- badanov said...
However, the list has been expanded and updated with instructions for all platforms without Firefox, as well as those with Firefox, platforms including Mac, Windows and Linux.
The file is here -
9/6/10, 11:17 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
cool bad ... we're in your debt.
9/7/10, 12:08 AM
Anonymous said...
Whores and lawyers. Use 'em if you need to but you dont bring 'em home for dinner.
Tim -
9/7/10, 8:38 AM
Chuck Martel said...
"causing the price of a band aid on a hospital bill to be $50(it's a metaphor Chuck)"
So you mean lawyers don't really cause Band-Aids to cost $50. You are using a mere rhetorical device. You are using a false statement to whip the ignorant populace into a tizzy over nothing.
It's similar to the arguments the libs use to promote gun control. "If we don't take away 'assault weapons' they (meaning you and me) ARE GONNA' KILL US ALL!!!"
Maybe you and I are different. I support all ten of the Bill of Rights. I don't pick and chose. The first amendment. The second. And the seventh -- "In Suits at common law * * * the right of trial by jury shall be preserved . . . ." -
9/7/10, 9:37 AM
- Juice said...
Used to know a kid who ran around all day with one hand on his wiener. Thought his name was Frankie, but I see now it was Steve Gibson. ;p
9/7/10, 10:28 AM
JMcD said...
Steve Gibson is lower than the sand on which whale shit rests.
9/7/10, 11:24 AM
Anonymous said...
"Everybody hates lawyers until they need one." ...and then they *really* hate 'em.
9/7/10, 12:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Srsly, CM -- do you really mean to say that wanton misuse of the legal system by amoral sharks like Gibson has not led to an increase in prices for all of US?
No. ALL lawyahs are not Bad Guyz. There are some Good Guys -- White Hats, even -- in the profession.
There are also many -- far too many *cough*John Edwards*cough*-- who twist the 'defense of the innocent' into a cash cow; damn the facts, Values, and those who are made to pay.
e~C -
9/7/10, 1:03 PM
Chuck Martel said...
I thought we had just established that there wasn't a "wanton misuse" of the 7th amendment. The "$50 Band-Aid" was just a rhetorical device to scare the uninformed.
It's like the gun grabbers. They use the actions of the Seung-Hui Chos and James Jae Lees of the world as a pretext to savage your and my 2d amendment rights.
If bloggers are violating copyright laws, then they are violating copyright laws.
But if Gibson is abusing the system, there's Rule 11 and most states have a frivolous proceedings act. Gibson could be required to cough up some $$$ to the innocent bloggers. -
9/7/10, 2:09 PM
Anonymous said...
"Everybody hates lawyers until they need one."
It is usually another lawyer that causes you to need one! -
9/8/10, 6:47 AM