For my money you can't
find a more strident progressive, or champion of Third Way
socialism than E,J. Dionne. What then is he doing on Investor
Business Daily's editorial page? I could scarcely handle Al
Hunt's Thursday WSJ OP Ed rants back in the day, and Dionne,
while not as smarmy as Hunt, actually believes in the crap he writes (I
don't think Hunt believed in anything).
In his IBD column, Dionne challenges the "lie" that Democrats are
running like hell away from Obamacare. He cites (the soon to be
ex) Sen. Russ Feingold, and a few others. Good. Who
cares? I know what you're saying. But Rodge, do we want to
be like Democrats, and embargo ideas that offend us?"
Yes. I want to reach that point again where these commie turds
have to go to tiny coffee houses to find receptive ears. I
want state legislatures to threaten funding if leftist professors
are hired (as Maryland did in the 1960s). I want an environment
where television news executives blacklist leftists because the public
demands it (as Hollywood execs did in the 50s). This is war.
Say, how about them Redskins?