Sticker Shock here boss |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sticker Shock here boss |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
And seven years? HFS - it oughta be about seven months. In WW2, we'd build 3600 airplanes in seven months.
What's left of the M24 - trigger group and bolt?
Fuggit. Buy new rifles. There's plenty of good .338's out there less than $1,500 each, add a thou for fine tuning, nevermind $7,800. Maybe that $7800 includes the big Leupold scope and a Starlight scope seen in the pic. Then it's an OK deal pricewise, but way too slow. Prolly gonna be made in China.
Damn gummint.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
The only thing not changing from the M24 to the E1 is the receiver and trigger (the Army had the foresight to produce the M24 with a long action .308).
The stock is obviously changed--it's adjustable for length of pull as well as height of comb (the M24 is adjustable for LOP only) and has plenty of accessory mounting rails (probably $1500). Plus, it comes with the Leupold MkIV 6.5-20x50 ER/T M5 scope (over $2000) and the suppressor as shown (probably $1500).
So the E1 is not a simple upgrade--it's basically a new rifle. Killing bad guys out to 1500m ain't cheap. And I imagine that the 5-year time frame is total time for fielding all 3600 rifles. My guess is they'll be fast-tracked and (at a minimum) our special ops troops will receive them early next year (if they don't have them already).
I've been advocating that the change to the .300WM for about 6 or 7 years. Maybe someone at the P'gon was listening.
The .300 Mag is a brilliant choice: much less recoil than the .338 Lap (I've fired both, side-by-side, and even with a serious buffer pad, the .338 Lap almost kicked me off the bench, whereas the .300 WM was a breeze, just with a standard hunting recoil pad).
Here's the deal: even at 700 yards, the .308 Win is starting to gasp for air, whereas the .300 WM is just getting started, and is good for double that.
As for the rifle: $7,800 is the total cost: ie., as-issued "loaded" price of each rifle. Hell, the optics alone are worth about 6 grand -- so it's not too bad a deal, actually. All .mil gear is overbuilt, and for rifles, that's a Good Thing.
Kim du Toit
well, god has spoken! :) (but why not go with the Lapua Magnum round>)
Ya need a heavier rifle to do the .338 Lapua effectively.
You are stating to get into .50 BMG territory there.
( There is an argument for a heavy .338 ... something heavier than an M24, but lighter than a Barrett ... but such does not fall into the requirements for an individual sniper rifle ).
I understand the grunts lusting after longer-range rifle capability, but at some point you're gonna hafta think seriously about air or artillery support.
Then again, if enemy heads explode for no good reason a mile from friendly positions, that's probably a good thing to have them thinking about.
We're gonna need a bigger practice range!
(Glad to see Kim's still kickin'.)
Meh. They need a rifle purpose built from the ground up, that can switch upper receivers to a semi-auro carbine round for when they have to scoot, so the sniper isn't left with a useless for ccw weapon and just a pistol.
I'm thinking electromotive rail gun, or even better, laser for the sniper, spotter can schlep the batteries, now THATs long range killing. Not to mention with a laser, there's no sound involved. Best part, you can make it so it doesn't kill, (perhaps a selector?) that goes Kill/Blind/Sterilize/Burn so you can be instantly rid of the problem, find the guys again by their while and red canes, make sure the problem is GONE after a generation, or just find/capture the guys with 3rd degree burns and tumors on their faces. Another option for the laser is "heat up the equipment till it esplodes."
wv: cation funny to you ee nerds
Its less expensive and more effective to just send prospective Army Snipers to Parris Island from day one. No upgrade to that.
I miss Kim D. in a John Wayne blows up a village kind of way. I have not wised off to him in many years.
Jarhead (from his blog) My best to the Mrs. Kim.
Kim, we should meet up and play with my Barrett .50 someday soon. After a few rounds, you can't even feel the recoil or concussion anymore. Or your shoulder. Or remember where you parked. Or control bladder/bowel functions.
But damn it's fun!
Anybody able to ID that doohicky sitting in front of the scope? I know its a night vision device of some flavor; but I'm not familiar with a bird like this.
Good to see that you are still alive and kicking, Kim!
The 300WM is a great choice. I suspect that the price will come down over time. It better. I can't afford that sorta cash.
Why Kim Du Toit
I usta know a gentleman of that name who had the best website on the web-
I you're any relation tell him hi give him my best and ask him to hurry back-