of Stupid: How the NRSC and Karl Rove Cost the GOP as Many as Five Senate Seats |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Rove Elephant Kills Five!
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
At least I have the satisfaction of not giving a dime to them or RNC. I told them numerous times over the past two years - not a dime until you drop the go along nice guy attitude, back conservative candidates, and go on the attack against the Dems. Too bad they didn't listen to me, because I've only been wrong once since I rode with Pershing on the Mexican Punitive Expedition. Of course I gave to all the candidates listed in the article, so I guess you could say I was wrong after they lost, but that was the fault of the feckless RNC and RNCC. Helluvva price the RINO National Committees paid, eh? Steele and Cornyn were McClellans when we needed a Patton.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/7/10, 3:42 PM
- toadold said...
Gee, I don't know, just because the guys over at Red State, Tex Gov. Perry and his staff, and a whole bunch of Tea Party candidates seem to hate the country club RINO spend and tax Rovian inside Washington group and there Peggy Nonan type enablers is no reason to get all excited and plan to wipe as many of them out in the 2012 primaries is it?
Excuse my I got to go stock up on the pop corn for the Republican primaries. -
11/7/10, 3:50 PM
franco (flame away, I can take it) fellini said...
That article is misleading. Let's look at the real facts:
Colorado: It's true that it was close. Bennet won by 0.9 points. However, the polls had Buck leading by 3 points at the end, and pulling away. Bennet's win caught everyone by surprise.
Nevada: It wasn't that close. Reid won by 4.9 points.
Washington: Now here's a race we could have won. A well-used $3 Million ad campaign in the final week might have swung this. It was close, and everybody knew it.
Delaware: 27,000 votes in Delaware equals 16 points. It wasn't even remotely close. I'm with Chris Christie on this one. The Tea Party voters over-reached here. They took a safe win with Mike Castle and turned it into a loss with a poor candidate.
Alaska: Murkowski won by 7 points despite the troubles voters had getting her name spelled right. It's not like she stole enough votes to swing the election to the Donk. She won. Besides, she'll caucus with the GOP, so we didn't lose a seat.
So-- putting the Fiorina money behind Buck and Rossi might have swung two races. Might have. We'd still need two more to flip the Senate. -
11/7/10, 5:14 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Like I said .. Rove Elephant
11/7/10, 6:57 PM
- LargeBill said...
The point of the article is they wasted money on a misguided notion that the idiots in California would come to their senses.
As far as O'Donnell/Castle thing goes - who cares? If Castle had won the DEMS would have another reliable "Republican" to provide them the cover of bi-partisanship as he would vote with them more often than not. I'd rate have 47 GOP senators ready to block garbage than 51 ready to advance garbage.
The Murkowski one is one that pisses me off. She is just a hair better than Specter, Chaffee, Jeffords, etc. Alaskans should be ashamed they rewarded this skank for going back on her word. She lost the primary and should have gone away never to be seen again.
Every congresscritter (senate or House) should understand they are subject to facing a stiff challenge in a primary. Congressional service should not be a lifetime gig. -
11/7/10, 9:02 PM
franco said...
Bill: the way I see it, the important thing is the (nominal) majority. The majority picks the committee chairs, and they determine what bills move out of committee. If you want to stop the Donks, that's the very best way. I can allow a few RINOs as long as we have the majority.
And I can't fault the Alaskans for getting the Senator they chose/deserve. I don't like it any more than you, but that's democracy.
But let's look forward. I'm hoping we can flip Joe Manchin. His re-election hopes may ride on joining the GOP. -
11/7/10, 10:45 PM
Anonymous said...
"That's democracy" Yeah and boxes of ballots showing up in the native villages all over the state, what part of democracy is that?
Murky was supported by the big Native corps that survive on federal No bid service contracts.
11/8/10, 10:07 AM