Saturday, December 11, 2010

Memories from the Attic

Toys in the attic
Eric Holder's Pedigree

Eric Holder's Op

Saturday is when I do picture files house cleaning.   Usually I get waylaid, like with this Clinton era picture of Eric Holder that has new relevance.

You may remember, going back to the Clinton terror, that Hillary Clinton was furious with Janet Reno for opening the door to a Whitewater special prosecutor, and wanted her out.  Post 1996 reelection buzz, however,  had Reno coming to an agreement with Hillary, and was allowed to stay on as AG -- under  guidance from  Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, and later her successor Eric Holder.  It was Holder who engineered the Easter Sunday Elain Gonzalez kidnapping in 2000.  Despite pictures to the contrary, Holder maintained, and I quote, that Gonzalez "was not taken at the point of a gun."  He also  claimed  that the federal agents whom he had sent to liberate Gonzalez had acted "very sensitively." 

All this evidently recommended him in Obama when it came time to select his own AG.  So far he hasn't disappointed.  Obama.

Here's another one I found; a Chuckles Schumer rollover. Chuckles will never go out of style as an object of ridicule.


Anonymous said...

I used to think that when idiots like this said that stuff like that they were just misinformed. Now I see that they are just facists that are waiting for the right moment to steal power because the rest of us just aren't smart enough to put our underwear on right.

I would be interested in knowing what has happened to the career of that guy holding the gun


Anonymous said...

Please give me a link to that Holder quote. I want to put it and the pic on Facebook.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

How about the video?

Tony Neville said...

The Elian Gonzalez affair got the Left to suddenly adopt a "family values" position in wanting the boy returned to his father in Cuba while the Christian conservative response to the unfolding travesty was to STFU. I realised then that for Christian conservatives a parent's custodianship trumps all, even if it involves having to forcefully repatriate a child to a Communist slave state.

Elian's mother died for nothing.

molonlabe28 said...

Yeah, and Janet Reno exercised similar sensitivity in liberating the women and children of the Branch Dividian compound at Mr. Carmel.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Tony, the mother's death set off a chain of events that culminated in Al Gore losing the 2000 presidential election. We should remember her in our daily prayers, and think about erecting a national monument in her memory.

Steve in Greensboro said...

Chuck, the Schmuck.

Hey Rodger, have you photoshopped Lil' Barry's face onto C3PO?

Anonymous said...

Better yet, put barry on elian, it fits, born somewheres else, alien, try to get him out.

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