Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Mighty Christmas Dump

Why it wasn't really my fault
How It Began

Boned Jello
I promised not to mention Obamunist
Activity until after Christmas, in order  create
an atmosphere where good will could be fostered

Boned Jello
                     BLACK BILE DUMP

TSA issues Thermos alert... * Tax-cut deal includes breaks for buying race horses, windmills... *  U.S. Approved Billions in Business Deals With Iran... *
BYPASS CONGRESS: EPA moves unilaterally to limit greenhouse gases... * Medvedev Hails Obama After Treaty Is Ratified... *  Students punished for distributing candy canes... *
Spielberg advising Pelosi on rebranding Dems... *


Helly said...

Takes a lot of inner strength to hold it in, Rodge. I'm proud of you.

Now, hit'em hard and fast. And low.

Steve In Tulsa said...

Why is it that these "DOJ Agents invade home" stories are always under democrats? (Elian Gonzolaz, Waco Texas, Koresh compound...)

toadold said...

Well ammunition a firearm sales were very, very, good running up to Christmas. There may not be a rifle behind every blade of grass but it looks like Nana and Granpers are packing heat these days.

DougM said...

congratulations on The Dali Award for Most Creative Blogging.
Stay limp, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Guess that's what's bothering me.

Need to go to the range and pollute the environment with some lead.

Brigadier Major Mike
Official Barn historian

Melissa "Darla" In Texas said...

BMM, that sounds like a wonderful idea. The woman arrested for refusing the pat down story sickened me. Well hell, it ALL sickens me.
Yup... range time sounds damn good!

Anonymous said...

You are a better man than I Rog.


Kristophr said...

I agree, the dems should be re-branded.

A giant branding iron with the word "socialist" needs to be heated cherry red, and pressed into their foreheads when they register to vote.

( word verification: congs )

Melissa "Darla" In Texas said...

Kristopher, I think the branding iron should say...
"traitor" myself.

pdwalker said...

Jesus H Christ.

Those stories are enough to poison any soul.

Skip said...

Can you say n**gr here?
Tween O'emtysuit and Holdit and the c**t from Arizona and the lez in the Court we are in deep kimchee.
Don't know 'bout yall but I don't know if my eleventeen thousand rounds are enough.

Kristophr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
toadold said...

Somewhat off topic but after reading that sotry in the British Telegraph about how many hits the reprinted article from 2002 in the Independent about how snow was going to become a rare event. I was contemplating how mother nature tends to bite ideologs in the postirior. Fur bearing animals are being looked at again as a source of warm clothing, and the PC crowd is being considered as a source fat and protein to get people through the ice age. While any sexual act between consenting adults (and children) is supposed to be OK their is the little problem of inbreading leading to mental retardation and things like hemophilia. Promiscuity also seems to increase STDs all out of proportion also. It just may be that the gods of the copybook headings are beginning the process of culling the herd.

Anonymous said...

I wondered what that pain in my side was.

Skip, you only need a couple hundred rounds in your combat load. If you're any good, you can pick up what you need from the losers.


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