Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yeah, but can the Chicoms play Air
Guitar on their 2.5 petaflop Tianhe-1A?

Air Force Unveils Fastest Defense Supercomputer, Made of 1,760 PlayStation 3s

Playstation .5 petaflopper

Let's see if I can get this right.  A teraflop is 1000 billion flops and a petaflop is 1000 trillion, so the Playstation computer is a ½ petaflopper. 

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has strung together 1,760 PlayStation 3 gaming systems to create what it’s calling the fastest interactive computer system in the entire DoD, capable of executing 500 trillion floating point operations per second.

At a total cost of about $2 million, the AFRL estimates the cluster costs something like five to 10 percent of equivalent computers built from scratch. It also consumes just 10 percent of the power.

The array employs the older model PS3s (the larger ones) because new models don’t allow the installation of Linux, a key component for turning the consoles into pliable computing hubs. The AFRL will use the Condor Cluster for quickly processing high-res satellite imagery, radar enhancement, and even research into artificial intelligence. [Full]


Anonymous said...

Has anyone told IBM yet?


Guy S said...

Did they buy them all from the local base PX?

El Jefe said...

Nah...woulda gone through the procurement process (read: 6-12 months). Good news is that they didn't pay any state taxes on it!

BTW Guy S: It's a BX (Base Exchange) on AF bases and a PX on Army posts.

Anonymous said...

Okay great, so what is the practical application?

munch said...

tg=hats how google does it, hundreds of ordinary PCs connected by proprietary software into one supercomputer/server. The PC's are so cheep that when one acts up and does not perform they simply take it off the "grid" and when too many fail they just add more PC chassises.

Anonymous said...

El Jefe, I just stumbled across teh Connections DVD's I made for you lo those many years ago. Still want 'em?


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