you find yourself in a deep hole, stop digging." |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The real Obama has stood up
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
What I believe:
Our man-child precedent not only is not of America, doesn't like America as founded, is a racist, a marxist and a pussy, he is also ignorant of history and the real world outside his cossetted sphere of learning, where people smarter than him, tougher than him, more opportunistic than him actually do bad things to real people.
He lives in a blackberry, TV sports and video game world of pseudo reality, dreaming of his own version of Utopia and perpetually campaigning for the attention he craves and wallowing in perks he hasn't earned, just like any other nouveau riche African nigger dictator. He is almost 50, going on 18.
He wants to be President, but not do the job, not be responsible for decisions that will make him unpopular with some people, especially when those decisions are painfully, obviously necessary, and likewise painfully, obviously conflict with his notions of how the world should be vs. how the world is.
I still think he will either resign, be removed by 25th Amendment, or be impeached before the end of his first term. At that point I hope the rotten son of a bitch is prosecuted, humiliated and imprisoned for fraud, embezzlement, perjury and treason. I hate that halfrican wetback and his bucketassed wife and all they stand for.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/15/10, 11:18 AM
- Skip said...
What he said, perzackly!
12/15/10, 11:27 AM
- toadold said...
As one poster put it, "he is ball busted" he is displaying more and more that he is afraid of his wife and is obedient to her will beyond the norm. He is more her child than her husband.
12/15/10, 11:35 AM
Anonymous said...
Boy LT, you don't mince words do you? I feel the same way and around here in Rhode Island I have to be careful what I say cuz this place would elect anything as long as the D was in front of it or in the D column. They LOVE slick willy here and even though the dew is off the lily on the cipher, they still say nothing bad - would not be prudent in this state of welfare and entitlements!!!
Bolivar -
12/15/10, 12:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Maybe on the planet Oberon Lt Col, but here? Not a *ucking chance.
Whether he gets another term or not, get used to him sticking his .02 in everything until the day we both die.
He will dine on this with his millions of sycophants, complaining....er whining how he was attacked from Day 1. Because he is black. Oh yeah, there's going to be a lot of that too.
Wha?? You want proof? Go to today's WaPo-front page above the fold, "we're still skeptical about the GOP" He will always be able to count on these asshats.
MM -
12/15/10, 2:58 PM
Anonymous said...
MM - Uhbama is such a narcissistic and ignorant douche, I think his tin ear/narrow mind will let his mouth make a bet he can't cover and the Dems will oust him out of despair and self preservation on their own or in league with Reps.
In all my 60+ years, I've never seen a politician at any level so inept at talking off TOTUS, so quick to blame anybody but himself or take credit for things he had nothing to do with or that never happened. Uhbama has reduced the institutional stature of the office of the presidency to a familiar level, like a high school stage set, diminishing its majesty and aura of power and dignity. He’s behaving like the Presidency is Barack Obama, and his lack of Americaness has allowed him to forget, if he ever did realize, that the institution is a construct of history and individuals far larger than him. The office, the seal, the airplane, the Resolute desk, the pomp, perks, power and respect are just things taken individually, but as a whole are part of the fabric that binds us as a nation to respect the Office of The President. The only other president to come close to shedding the dignity and gravitas of the office was Jimmy Carter. Even Bill Clinton knew where he stopped and the institution began, because he was well aware his decisions affected the welfare of millions and even whether some men would live or die.
Obama the Man-child doesn’t know the difference. He still thinks the presidency is him and hasn’t realized that turning the Office of The President into a cheap Chicago community organizer’s smoke filled room where favors are bought and sold diminishes the power of the office to both supporters and opponents. With the diminution comes a loss of power, and his opponents, who want him out, will be joined by his former supporters in ousting him because he can’t deliver.
The man is frighteningly evil in a Socialist hate America way, which Dems can live with, but hugely inept, which if it leads to a loss of power, the Dems can't live with.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/15/10, 6:12 PM
- gadfly said...
“If all we want are jobs, we can create any number — for example, have people dig holes and then fill them up again, or perform other useless tasks. Work is sometimes its own reward. Mostly, however, it is the price we pay to get the things we want. Our real objective is not just jobs but productive jobs — jobs that will mean more goods and services to consume.” –Milton Friedman
12/16/10, 2:08 AM