F**K the Kennedys History Channel decides not air “The Kennedys” |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Even in death ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Webrider said...
Producers seem to indicate we'll have a chance to see it on some cable channel. If the lefties hate it, it must be accurate and truthful!
1/8/11, 1:27 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Of course the lefties will counter with American's objecting to the cancellation of the "Reagan" mini-series. Since that script's details were published, however, we know that it was a pack of lies.
1/8/11, 1:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Prob’ly unpopular to say this, but I’ve never liked Kennedys. First, old Joe was a bitter sonofabitch who thought Hitler had the right idea. He decided to rain retribution on Back Bay Bostonians (and the British aristocracy as well) for what he saw as insidious and continuing prejudice against anything Irish. His master plan centered on his eldest son’s becoming US president so he could gloat and bask in the heavenly light of poetic justice while eating his well-earned bowl of revenge-flavored potato gazpacho.
For all realistic purposes, his spirit died the day Joe Jr. blew up trying to harvest himself a medal to impress the old man. Jack, the next oldest boy, was sickly and had very much more interest in the ladies than high-level politics, but he had to honor his father’s wishes and allowed Daddy to buy him a senate seat. When Bootlegger Joe had pulled enough strings and recalled enough favors and bought enough votes to finally get an Irish catholic into the Oval Office, the revenge was properly cold and should have been nourishing to his bitter soul, but his taste buds had long ago been burnt out by the bile constantly rising up from his sour stomach and he never fully appreciated it.
Jack never actually wanted to be PotUS, and once he got there he didn’t really accomplish a helluva lot. Nearly everything attributed to him, other than some stirring rhetoric and well-staged speeches, had been started by Eisenhower or was the result of LBJ’s administration. In a feat of nepotism which a younger Whiskey Joe would have been proud of, he appointed a completely unqualified and inexperienced law-school graduate as Attorney General, and soon afterward he almost managed to single-handedly ignite WWIII.
Bobby was a dyed-in-the-wool socialist who got caught up in his own hype and press releases. And though I hate to see anybody gunned down, when you look at the fact that JFK’s approval ratings were in the mud and RFK’s number one goal was redistribution of all wealth except his own, the country was granted 40 years of freedom from the Marxist morass we’re now sliding irrevocably toward.
Teddy? Freakin joke from day one. Cheater, liar, thief, womanizer, mama’s boy, bloviator extraordinaire . . . hell, I got better things to do today than list his failings. Gotta wash my pup and disinfect the utility room floor, for starters . . . far more productive than sitting here trying to recall the monumental inventory of his intellectual and character shortcomings.
And now a second generation, most of whom are busily engaged in developing the American version of Monty Python’s “Upper-Class Twit of the Year” competition for prime-time TV. I didn’t really want to see JFK’s only son go down like that, but I think the DNA strand is seriously flawed and should be allowed to go extinct. His daughter, whose only claim to fame is her father’s name (‘cause she certainly got nothing positive from her bovine mere), managed to completely soil herself publicly in, you know, like, interviews during, you know, the presumptuous bid to become, you know, a senator from, you know, New York to replace, you know, BJ Clinton’s partner in crime.
The entire strain is flawed, and the gods of chance continue to send signs that its time on earth is ending, but some of them just refuse to succumb to fate. This twerp is just a dilute clone from diseased stock and should be first taken to Calgary for a proper public buffalo fucking and then shredded and fed to penguins in the Buenos Aires zoo. -
1/8/11, 2:12 PM
bocopro said...
Forgot to identify myself above.
'Twas I, El Bocopro. -
1/8/11, 2:14 PM
Anonymous said...
bocopro - Nice to see you back!
I've missed your deliciously wordy shredding of the pompous and the incompetent.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/8/11, 4:09 PM
- El Jefe said...
El Bocopro,
You forgot 'murderer' when referencing "The Lion of the Senate" -
1/8/11, 5:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Let me see if I have this figured out El B. You're not a Kennedy fan?
Tim -
1/8/11, 6:29 PM
el bocopro said...
Well, Tim, lemme put it this way: I believe the Kennedy family is a carbuncle on the face of a great group of people, the Irish, for whom I have genuine admirations and respect because of their literature, their bottomless reservoir of strength and courage, and their readiness to laugh and sing. The entire genetic strain would be improved if Old Joe’s input were removed from it forever.
However, and this is crucial, I have considerably more respect for JFK than for Ovarmint and his prevaricocracy. -
1/8/11, 7:06 PM
Anonymous said...
I was listening to some national radio show early this Sunday morning, and they were bemoaning the fact that, for the first time in 60-some years, there wasn't a member of the American Royal Family holding national office. They did, however, take solace in the fact that there was yet another generation of Kennedy's who might just step up and continue with the rauquous carrying-on that the previous generations became infameous for.
Can't we find a Smith or Jones or (insert sir-name of choice here) who can be corrupt and disgusting for a couple of terms without trying to found a dynasty?
No more Kennedys... no more Clintons... and come to think of it, let's try a few more options before we bring in another Bush.
I'm just sayin,' is all....
BTW, the best of the Kennedys died in WWII, before he could screw this country up!
Word verification: prosti, as in prosti-tute? How fitting, considering the subject material. -
1/9/11, 1:56 PM