scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Coming soon - Who has a yeast infection?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Last year, I saw a woman in a car stopping in front of each house in our neighborhood and loading GPS data into a laptop. When I asked her what she was doing, she showed a census badge and told me she was taking census data in a tone that said "Don't bother me, peon."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/4/11, 4:19 PM
Chuck Martel said...
A friend of mine filmed a census worker who came to his house to get his GPS coordinates. The census dude was a little upset about the whole thing. -
1/4/11, 4:54 PM
Anonymous said...
The video you point to is regarding a two part system. The second, Paperless, half never got off the ground. I was part of the second paper half. The second paperless half was, of course, screwed up by the government and it was not ready by the time of enumeration (April 1, 2010, Census Day). This caused the Census to go with paper and the associated millions in cost over run of running an un planned papered system and the costs of a non functioning paperless system and the associated hardware that was never used.
Originally They were going to map each door and put it into the system. Then the system was going to make up a route, and then they were going to have hand held scanners much like what was used to input the GPS Coords. The handheld was going to have the info of who had turned in stuff already and who needed a visit. A visit was to be made and enumeration was to be made on the handheld computer system that was never used. Another purpose of the gps visit was to cull the list of addresses that were no longer good. (burned down, etc), This by and large, happened during the second, papered visit (culling).
The first part of this, which this video was of, depicted a wary census worker. They were supposed to knock/ring door bell, announce there presence and let them know what they were doing. By the video, it does not look like he was very effective in communicating that.
Does having GPS coords of your front doorstep have other applications? Yes. Is that same information available other places? Yes. Does that make me any more comfortable having it in one spot? No. But all in all, it was nice to be a part of the census and make sure that it was done,to the best of my ability, the way that it was supposed to be done.
Unfortunately, When the douche bag came to my door step, my wife told him all of the info that he asked for. -
1/4/11, 10:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok -- check your local neighborhood. In mine, they have folks scattered all over the state park. Whaaa? living under trees?
And very few living in the housing developments...
Those dots are either random or "statist-ically" placed.
Yeah -- we had some gal from Dee-troit come up the drive to GPS the place. Then she told us her long hard-luck story. *eye roll* With competence like hers, no wonder they show folks living in the parks...
e~C -
1/5/11, 10:00 AM