Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Barney Frank Legacy

... only the Big 4 Banks will be
doing mortgage loans period
This will be the final nail in the coffin of the US Mortgage and Housing Industry.  The Fed has set it up whereby only the Big 4 Banks will be doing mortgage loans period. 

They have run all the independent brokers out of business and have increased the cost of mortgage loans in every aspect (appraisals have almost doubled in cost in the last three years).  The sad part of this is it was FANNIE and FREDDIE as well as the banks [and Dems in Congress, and Bill Clinton] that caused the crash to begin with and this Administration is rewarding the banks for that effort while driving millions of small business owners and their support personnel out of business.  This was the only on-shore home grown US industry and you will have seen it's destruction in the last three years.  Please view the video below.

The video is a bit histrionic, but then this is their livelihood. 
cuzzin ricky


toadold said...

Let's see, ever increasing numbers of unemployed or underemployed people esp. men...who are armed. Nothing to worry about, move along.

Anonymous said...

Only one word to save their profession that Master O would like, unionize.

righty gomez

Anonymous said...

...and the NYSE is being purchased by the Deutsche Boerse. Any more good news?

righty gomez

Kristophr said...

It's actually very bad news.

When Bundespost bought up DHL, they gutted it in order to subsidize themselves in Germany.

Any German employer is required by law to do this ... if they can prove an overseas action cause a German to get laid off, the corp officers go to prison.

Expect the NYSE to be gutted to prop up the German organization.

Anonymous said...

FYI T mobile is owned by the Bundespost. Buy cell phone service elsewhere, is my recommendation.

Kristophr said...

Enjoy your T-Mobile service while it lasts.

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