Behar Bellwether Pro-Lifers are 'Evil and Immoral and Unethical and Stupid' Congress evidently scores a knockout |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Behar Laff Riot
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
If Planned Parenthood can donate money to the democrat party, then they do not need any money from the government. Take the amount they donate to the democrat party and cut the federal funding by that much.
2/23/11, 10:24 AM
- K-nine said...
Why do people ignore origins?
Planned parenthood was started in the 20-30s to kill BLACK babies. Started by an avowed socialist with communist ties to keep the population of African Americans in inner cities down.
Joy behar hates black people. -
2/23/11, 12:00 PM
Anonymous said...
At least Babs could sing and had a nice rack. That honker of hers ruins any wood you could manage. Joy otoh is a total downer. She is homely, fat, nasty and has a mind like a sewer complete with rats and other associated vermin. Babs is a leftist nut with some talent. Behar is a leftist nut with no talent or she ever got where she is is a mystery.
Bolivar -
2/23/11, 12:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh and Behawg is not funny, never was funny and never will be funny.
Bolivar -
2/23/11, 12:06 PM
Chuck Martel said...
To quotes Margaret Sanger, the founderess of Planned Parenthood, "The emergency problem of segregation and sterilization must be faced immediately. Every feeble-minded girl or woman of the hereditary type, especially of the moron class, should be segregated during the reproductive period."
There's a reason I don't invite Planned Parenthood types over to my house on Sunday afternoons to grill hamburgers. -
2/23/11, 12:31 PM
- toadold said...
I just bought a bottle of St.Plonk red table wine for medicinal purposes. I was suprised that it actually had a real cork and not a screw top. That in turn reminds me of Bearharpy and the Wookie, definite screw top products.
2/23/11, 2:31 PM
TheOldMan said...
If PP is so popular, why cannot it rely on its supporters to fund it?
2/23/11, 6:34 PM