Friday, February 25, 2011

Hot Doggery

More Culture Gone Bad
Stepping into the breech here boss!
I remember when newly elected mayor Rudy Giulianni explained what would be involved in cleaning up crime in NYC.  Begin with the the small things.  Graffiti, public urination, winos sleeping on the street, etc.  Remember?  There were howls of protest from the Manhattan elite of course, but only until they noticed that, by God, New York was suddenly a nice place to live.  I woke this morning to do my share.  To make the USA a better place by exposing culture gone bad, and how to change it.  The simple things matter. Like mayonnaise (cheese?) on a fkn hot dog? You might just as well use catchup.   (Roll-Over)

Actually, y'all here already know about proper hot-doggery.  This is for you to send to people who don't.  It's a culture war out there men; lets win it for the Gipper!


Anonymous said...

There's a hotdog somewhere in that picture???

Anonymous said...

Taking care of the small stuff leads to people suddenly caring about the bigger stuff. That's what NYC did for their crime, they began by declaring war on graffiti. Yes, graffiti. See the Broken-Window Theory for an explanation as to why this works. Drummermanrick

Anonymous said...

My she has nice um, uh attributes doesn't she??? She seems to have that weiner under control too doesn't she??? Bet she could handle several....I am such a pig and I will likely go to hell for that.


Anonymous said...

I'd 'cheese' her right below the reace sign.

Anonymous said...

This is interpretive hotdog eatings version of the Clinton-Lewinski affair....with extra mayo...

Anonymous said...

Hell yes, ketchup. And mustard. And as many diced onions as the thing will hold. Supposed to be a free country, and NO ONE made you the damn Hot Dog Czar.

This is just about as dumb as those fat head pizza shop owners in New York telling me I can't have bacon on my pie because it "ain't autentic." Blow me Chumlee, I'll take my business elsewhere.

DougM said...

So Rodge is a danged hot-dog nazi.
Abas weenieism!
Go pro-choice! Use a condiment!
(What? Yeah, I know ... typical mustard'n ketchup attitude.)

Anonymous said...

I prefer hamburgers with cheese, bacon, and onion. When I have a hot dog, I like ketchup and onions. Like the DemCong say, "My body, my choice!"

The young lady in the photo has obvious talent and should be encouraged.

Brigadier Major Mike
Not a Wisconsin Teacher

Anonymous said...

I see that picture of this obviously "healthy" young lady, and all I wanna do is get done there in that canyon and yodel!

Swear-to-gawd, wv is yankha!

toadold said...

Also the cops found that when they rousted a grafiti "artist" they would find drugs, weapons, and/or and outstanding warrant. The guys that did the "small" crimes were often guilty of committing large ones.

K-nine said...

Harry Callahan: Having to wade through the scum of this city, being swept away by bigger and bigger waves of corruption, apathy and red tape. Nah, that doesn't bother me. But you know what does bother me?
Burly Detective: What?
Harry Callahan: You know what makes me really sick to my stomach?
Burly Detective: What?
Harry Callahan: Is watching you stuff your face with those hot dogs. Nobody, I mean NOBODY puts ketchup on a hot dog.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Made My Day!

JMcD said...

I think the best hotdog is made with coleslaw....
MY coleslaw has the addition of chopped bell peppers and ground horseradish (in vinegar).Also has chopped green onions and a little sugar,and a few dashes of green (Tabasco) jalepeno sauce.

Now THAT'S the best hotdog in the world..... In my opinion of course.

Alear said...

Likes me my dawg with crumbled up burger on top. With ketchup, mustard, arugula, and lobster. With goats-head soup for dipping. Mighty fine.

Turing word: trablami. Yeah, throw some of that on too, sounds tasty.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone eat relish anymore?

Anonymous said...

I tend to eat with relish. Close enough?

Brigadier Major Mike

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