Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kasich acting, not talking, like Reagan

Kasich: You strike, you get punished

  A day after hundreds of public employees jammed the Statehouse to protest a bill they believe will kill their unions, Gov. John Kasich said he is working on an even-tougher version, one that would punish workers who go on strike.

If the Republican-controlled legislature doesn't fashion a collective-bargaining reform bill to his liking, Kasich said yesterday, then he will include language in the coming state budget to enact the changes he wants.
Reagan fires striking Air Traffic Controllers
If you Google for details on the firing of PATCO strikers by Reagan in 1981, you will find, as I did, that most of the accounts are written by the likes of NPR, The Socialist Party, etc.  "The Real Story (Reagan was a lying mfcs);" "The best thing to happen to us (labor)!".  It's why they lose.  Props to Kasich, so far.


Anonymous said...

"hundreds of public employees jammed the Statehouse"

Because they was told to by their masters.


Anonymous said...

It took a while, but I finally figured out why the real-life experiences of myself, my friends, and my family never matched the press accounts when it came to salaries of federal employees.

Me, my friends, and my family (most of us working in the intel or military field) are all forbidden from joining the Federal employees union (I forget the acronym right now) by virtue of our employment agreements.

Whenever a story comes out about "Look how much more Federal employees make than the rest of us!" and Congress reacts, it's usually in the form of a pay freeze. Unfortunately, Federal union employees cannot have their pay frozen, so the only people effected are those people whose pay structure is such that they're already making about half of what they would otherwise make in the private sector (partly because they do not enjoy the same benefits of the union employees, and are forbidden from joining them).

So (Union) Federal Employees continue to make more money than civilian counterparts -- and often even get above average raises when other federal employees have their pay frozen -- typically doing jobs that the Federal Government shouldn't be responsible for anyway; meanwhile, federal employees who are forbidden from joining those same unions, typically working in jobs mandated by the Constitution (Military and some branches of the Intelligence field) take all the flack and punishment for it.

I hate Unions.

Anonymous said...

(to clarify, none of us are actual military; several of us are civilian employees of the military. However, we get many of the same salary\union restrictions)

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Sherry, we need a good Barn Army picture of you holding one of those big guns you spoke of earlier!

Anonymous said...

LOL never posed with one before, Maybe the next time I head to the range.


Anonymous said...

pssst. Not all Federal employees approve of or are members of the union.

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