It was about this time
that Rupert Murdoch registered on my radar screen. The Wall
Street Journal (alone) was covering Ted's attempts to break Murdoch
using the FCC. I was appaled by Kennedy's manipulation of the law to
begin with, and this stoked my fire. The "Fat Boy" cover was cited as
one that sent Kennedy over the edge, and was later immortalized
when Howie Carr fired
up The Official Fatboy
Ted Website!! If there'a a more fascinating newspaper saga
than William Randolph Hurst's, it's Murdoch's. This POP
HISTORY DIG story is a wonderfully entertaining
time capsule.
Anyway, that was a long way to go to get to my point. Murdoch's Digital
Daily launch may very well be the blueprint that finishes print
newspapers. That means we can add daily news to the the list of
services that would be lost with a single snip of the right wire, so to
speak. No telephones, no internet, no lots of things. Instant
Afghanistan. Zippety-Doo Dah. Now, I'm trying to decide if that's
a bad thing.