Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The Screwtape Budget and the
 "In Ten Years" Deficit Solution

"Ten years," as a friend reminded me about the asinine predictions of Paul Ehrlich, "is the ideal time frame for prognostication and problem solving. It's not so far away that people just ignore it, nor is it close enough that it gives people any expectations that can be held against the person who sets the time table. "

Now in ten years Obama will either be out collecting big checks for blathering to the bozos in Davos, or we will be just about into his fourth term should any little Constitutional Accident happen. ("Nice little country you got here. Wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to it.")
The Screwtape Budget
Even dullards must have noticed the dreaded "ten year" solution label that's been slapped onto Obama's Deficit "Be Cool I Got This" Budget. Yes, in only ten years this will all work out.... you fools. - [Gerard-Screwtape Budget Cont.]
Commies love 'Ten Year' plans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but you're gonna love it! Hitler Sings!

Barn Army Sous Chef

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