Saturday, March 05, 2011

Angry? Make Big Bucks. Inquire Within.

Tonight's Critical Thinking Exercise

  Allegations are being made, accusing conservative talk radio show hosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, of using paid actors to portray angry callers into their nationally syndicated programs.
Because there's just not enough angry people wantin' ta make phone calls and vent. 


toadold said...

Liberal oft accuse others of the sins that Liberals commit.
So look for news that the talk left radio has been using shills.

Anonymous said...

second paragraph first 3 words "published reports suggests" sums it up. nice rumor starter.
george wv: cadebra yea, abra cadebra

Anonymous said...

Gee, there are just so many thoughtful, considerate people to choose from I mean how could you possibly make this shit up? Some people just have no clue do they?


Jess said...

Putting it in perspective: Anyone that calls a liberal show that's on the public dole is a shill. More than likely, there's not any that aren't.

Oh the horror.

TimO said...

You mean the people on Air America were REAL??? (shudder)

Squeak said...
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Bryan said...

PAID? You mean to tell me that I could have gotten PAID to be angry at having my children and grandchildren sold into financial slavery? I could have been paid to complain that I have had my constitutional violated? PAID to be righteously indignant when the sovereignty of the country is violated?

Some how, I feel vindicated and morally superior that I do it for free because it is an honest emotion!

DougM said...

If by "using paid actors to portray angry callers" you mean
"having to deal with leftist 'seminar callers' trained (paid?) to infiltrate by dishonestly posing as something else,"
then yeah.

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