Thursday, March 10, 2011

Barry: What can I say?

What can I say?

I was born in Hawaii

How about saying,

"Look, I was always under the impression that I was born in Hawaii.  I guess my grandparents knew I wasn't, and tried to make up for it by getting a certification of live birth.  I found it, and naturally thought it was like a real birth certificate.

I knew nothing about this until Bill Ayers, who was writing my autobiography said, Barry, we have sort of a problem.  All your relatives say you were born in Kenya.  I checked, and you have no record of being born here. 

I said, so what, my mother was a citizen?  

He said, nuh-uh.  She was under-age and could not transfer US citizenship to you.  You have dual British and Indonesian citizenship, as near as I can tell.

By that time I had already decided to be president, and there was no turning back; and it's a stupid law anyway, aimed at keeping the black immigrant down.

You could say that Barry.  It's a start.


hellferbreakfast said...

"Always under the impression"????? He doesn;t know???? Or just being evasive?????

Anonymous said...

All this hoopla over one misspoken word. He meant to say "prove" not "change".

Guffaw in AZ said...

BUT, before he became a public figure, he travelled on a U.S. passport! How does one get that w/o a proper birth certificate?
I'm NOT a fan of the President, or his policies, but, I'm just wondering?

Kristophr said...


I got my first passport with an Oregon live birth record form ... not a long form birth certificate.

The Hawaii state live birth record only required an affidavit from the mother that they boy was born in Hawaii. Which is why we want to see the hospital issued birth certificate.

But you knew that, astro-turf boy.

Anonymous said...

Why are the tea party and non-progressives labeled with the birther tag? It was Hillary and Phil Berg who brought this to the nations attention.

I have never seen any valid verification he traveled on a US passport.It may very well have been an Indonesian or British passport.

Javert Freeman

Rodger the Real King of France said...

This is the third tome that asshat has posted the same thing, but using different names. He's NOT A CITIZEN ASSHAT.

Anonymous said...

WHat? You mean he used Barry Soetoro, Barack 0bama, and...

Anonymous said...

will you look at the pics. it is obvious barry o. junior is not the bio son of the kenyan guy. my question is who is the real daddy of the marxist in our white house?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:26
Might be Web Hubbell... Oh that's right, wrong crime family. Sorry

Anonymous said...

Dad is Frank Davis. Pakistan with Indonesia passport. He was an educated Muslim tourist with a wealthy Pakastani exchange student.


Anonymous said...

I thought Malcolm X was the baby daddy.

Brigadier Major Mike
Birth Certificate in My filing Cabinet

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think halfacarafe meant Frank Marshall

Anonymous said...

Ah, the definition of confusion... Father's Day in Harlem.


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