Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cayce and ratbastard gummint and Acid man

Too Much
Fasten your seat belt

This is the setup to something Don M sent me that I'll get to presently. 

Last week, you may remember, Drudge had this link:
Lost city of Atlantis, swamped by tsunami, may be found... ^   

That triggered in me "Edgar Cayce" .  I first became aware of Cayce while I was dating this very hot college chick (now the mother of my children) who was surprised I'd not heard of him.  She told me they studied him in class, and the Edgar Cayce Institute was just down the road from my favorite watering hole (The Surf Rider) in Virginia Beach. 

Intrigued, and knowing the value of showing interest in what my girlfriend likes, I started buying and reading Cayce books.  Whoa!  He was perhaps best know for his (extremely well  documented)  ability to diagnose disease in people while in a trance.  But when I dropped by the Cayce Institute, the attendant told me that 90% of researchers who showed up were geologists, or men of science.  They were drawn by his uncanny predictions, one of which was the existence of a fault line running through New York (since discovered) and extending down the east coast.  Virginia Beach, he predicted, was the safest place to live on the Atlantic coast, and would one day be the nations only major seaport.  (And yes, California will fall into the sea)

Atlantis, of which I knew nothing about at the time, also fascinated me.  According to him, Atlantians had a deep understanding of the universe,  but abused that knowledge and, in a cataclysmic event, disappeared under the sea about 10,000 years ago. That time-line held  profound implications for me, if true.  So, what's this all about? 

From Don M.  We've  passed the last turnoff.  If this Earth was my Sim City project, I'd sink the whole damned thing and start over. And someone will do just that pretty damned soon.  No, the earth will not end.  It will end as we know it. Like it did for Atlantians.

Taking Control of Cars From Afar
In the meanwhile, God help us.  I feel unrestrained about posting any damned thing I feel like.  I'll either have 1 million hits/day, or 10.  This, though, may change in the morning. You know what I just thought of?  I thought of? Acid Man naked.  The man had class.


Tom Smith said...

All the interesting things aside........Acid Man's blog was the first one I read on a steady basis and Gut referred me to you. Cayce was an interesting bloke for sure too.

renojim said...

I can finally justify the purchase of that red '57 Chevy...

Anonymous said...

Jim - PRS said...

I was fortunate enough to have known Acidman personally. He roared on his blog, but in person he was soft-spoken and extremely polite. Everything he wrote was worth reading, and every time he spoke, he was worth listening to.

This car thing would have driven him nuts.

Anonymous said...

I've read quite a bit about Cayce, fascinating story. If here were alive today, he'd have taken James Randi's reward for proving the existence of the paranormal.

I could write a book here, but there's plenty of material online. Some of it is way out there, avoid. Just read what he did himself, the very well documented things he did and predictions he made that have come true are striking. Some of the best are the things that haven't yet been confirmed. Given his amazing success record, those are the ones that really make you think.


Chuck Martel said...

So if you wanted to whack someone, you would take control of the car's computer, run the speed up to 140 mph, wait 'til it crashed into a hard object, and then wipe the computer clean.

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