Don't even with their driving |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The diversity thing
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
I would like to slap the white off her. Typical UCLA lib collage know nothing. She is just a bitch because she knows most of us Asians are conservative.
SherryM Barn Army Batgirl. -
3/15/11, 8:01 PM
- Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...
speaking of Asian drivers:
QKcSZfY1sf4 -
3/15/11, 8:04 PM
- Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...
arrgg! Can't seem to embed a youtube vid in the comments... -
3/15/11, 8:04 PM
Anonymous said...
While it it true that most asians are reserved, that does not make them politicaly conservative. In fact as a voting block, asians tend to vote dem.
Not Tong -
3/15/11, 9:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes conservative as apposed to liberal not democrat.
SherryM Barn Army Batgirl -
3/15/11, 9:29 PM
Anonymous said...
My aching eyeballs. I got through three sentences and could not stand to watch that airhead valley girl cut her eyes or listen to her arrhythmic delivery and grinding drop in voice pitch to sound 'serious'.
"Hey valley girl. Wanna blow me goodbye? Thanks. Now get outta here."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
3/15/11, 10:31 PM
JMcD said...
I'd do the library...or anywhere.
3/16/11, 12:07 AM
Tony Neville said...
Hell_Is_Like_Newark, FYI
3/16/11, 5:04 AM
Anonymous said...
I've been to UCLA, and I must say, she is one of the ugly ones. LA is the Mecca of the self-obsessed. Why should the chinks, and that's who we're talking about here, be different?
I had to leave Kaleeforneeya because I could no longer control my impulse to snatch the cell phone from the hand of the dipshit in front of me in the checkout line, and fling it across the store.
P.S. What do you get when you cross a chinamen with a puerto rican? A car thief who can't drive! -
3/16/11, 7:20 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
And Sherry, as my bat girl, I've authorized your flight pay ($55/mo). Carry on.
3/16/11, 9:17 AM
- Kim said...
In my college library, it's the Arabs who act like this. Seriously. Worst-mannered people on the planet.
If the school built a Faraday cage around the library, we would be better off. -
3/16/11, 2:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Kim - I once took a Berlitz class, where we got a ten minute break once an hour. There were also five Arab guys there from some Middle East kingdom there to learn English. Our break room was much like a living room, carpeted, with a few overstuffed chairs, a table, occasional chairs and a sofa.
These five oil-rich pigs regaled me in their new English about how great their dictator-ruled country was, all while spitting and crushing their cigarettes out on the carpet.
In hindsisght, I'm glad to have been spared a restroom encounter.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
3/16/11, 4:46 PM