Rules to live by |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Rules to live by |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Shit Rodger, that dude is the definition of an annoying asshole. I didn't need the comment to know that I couldn't stand him.
but ... but ...but .. (he went interesting places?)
Bourdain strikes me as a very complicated person. If you haven't read "Kitchen Confidential" grab a copy. He admits to every bad thing about his very wealthy, very liberal upbringing and what a complete turd he was in his youth. I like the guy because I think he's just as stunned by his celebrity as anyone else.
That, and despite his liberal bona fides he seems perfectly happy to challenge them. See: the episode in which he visits Ted Nugent's ranch... and has a blast while he's at it. Or when he's aboard a US Marine vessel while being evacuated from some shithole country and all but appears to have a great epiphany on camera.
Thanks Scott ... good counter balance.
I watch his show; he tries really hard to be a liberal New Yorker.
But the one you want to watch is where he went to Arizona and spent the day with Ted Nugent... spending the day shooting machine guns and being around the hard-rockin' conservative BBQing for disabled vets had Bourdain changing his tune.
I saw that one and later, in that same episode, the go where the trash pickers are. Literally, hundreds of thousands of people who pick through the dumps and garbage trucks dump trash. The live and eat off of what is dumped as they collect recyclable to make money. Old people to little children; the whole gamut. After that, they do a seen where he gets drunk trying to deal with the "workers paridise."
That's not to excuse him but I think that when some liberals travel they have more detachment at seeing human suffering and they try to get more liberal to combat it. He seemed to nail, in his tequilla fueled ramblings that the system hadn't delivered as promised. So, maybe there's hope.
On the other hand, Man v food kicks ass.
His view of Nicaragua are colored by his liberal upbringing and New York roots. But he has learned, see the episode where he was evacuated from Lebanon by the Marines. Yes he is an asshole but he is an entertaining and honest one.
AZ is okay, but Ted Nugent's ranch is in the Great State of TEXAS.... where everything is bigger, badder, and better. :)
Chopped on food network. And Chopped All Stars? Seen it? 'Course you gotta get past Ted Allen.
You must have not seen his show that was done on the Texas/Mexican border, from a couple of years ago. He felt compelled to espouse his view on why there should be an open border.
Had you seen it, you would have already known about his liberal asshole views. He is entertaining though.... including his latest book: "Medium Raw".... a collection of unrelated essays, which I found very entertaining. He comes down hard on quite a few liberal celebs.
Cuzzin Rick
I like Bourdaine, and yes, his lefty views are annoying. If you want a prime example, look at his visit of Laos.
But then there was the Ted Nugent one in the American Southwest, and quite a number of scenes in other shows that were hilarious: like the one where he is practically in tears at the destruction of a few tons of cocaine.
I like the places he goes and the food he shows us. When I plan my own trips I try to find some of the same dishes.
Andrew Zimmern's show is also terrific. He's changed a bit recently, I think because of a couple of bouts of food poisoning while taping Bizarre Foods. He's more conservative about the stuff he eats these days.
I would like to like Adam Richman's Man Vs. Food, but it's just a celebration of gluttony. I've stopped watching it.
What gets me about Travel Channel is the Ghost Adventures type shows that kill Friday nights. I will NEVER watch that garbage. Heck, more re-runs of Zimmern and Bourdaine would be fine.
I know.... I enjoyed him, too. Until I listened to him....
To give him the benefit of the doubt, I think he's completely unaware that he's pissing in the trash can. His remark, to him, was unremarkable. On his planet, everyone, of course thinks like that.
[and the sky is funny colors]
The best show he ever did, and the one I enjoyed the most, was when he went to New Guinea. One of the local guides taking him into the back country was an old guy with the traditional tribal tattoos. When Tony Smartmouth asked about the lines on the geezer's hands he was told that those represented the old gentleman's personal kills. Back when he earned those markings the tribe were pretty enthusiatic cannibals....
Mister Bourdain spent a few contemplative moments rethinking a few of his remarks, and wondering if he was invited to dinner later...should he accept? Nice to see a man revise his view of reality that way.
I turn the sound off and just watch when this show comes on.
Sparrowhawk of Gont
I used to pour a glass of wine and prepare a plate of bread, cheese and olives and sit down to watch cooking shows. Not so much anymore as I am trying to cut back on pornography.
I always kinda assumed bourdain was of the fairy squad - never seen him show any interest in women whatsoever.
He does, however, seem to get along well with the guys.
He can be a typical liberal douchebag, but as noted above there is hope for him. Actually talked with him briefly in Chicago last year (very, very, briefly) at a book signing and tried to get him interested in Cooking with the Troops ( I think a few more pushes and he could truly have that epiphany. Meantime, a number of the Top Chef contestants truly are standing up for the troops, and doing visits to the wounded at Walter Reed and elsewhere. Big thanks to Spike and Carla for all they do! (love cod bator as verification word)
I thought he was gay as well, but he did one episode with his wife. That was the one in Sardinia. Also, he did an episode in Chicago with Mancow, a conservative radio talker. He treats his conservative subjects pretty well, though he does make it clear that their views are somewhat at odds with his.