scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hold the 'chovies

"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Kristophr said...
Getting intel via cellphone from a confederate watching the enemy on CNN-satellite.
3/29/11, 12:56 PM
Anonymous said...
War in the Modern World. 7th Century troglodytes with Kalashnikovs and cell phones. Not to mention running the risk of ruining a pair of loafers.
- One Man Gang -
3/29/11, 1:04 PM
Jess said...
His expression indicates Dominos will not deliver to his location, however Chinese takout is around the corner.
3/29/11, 1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
2 orders Gen'l Tsao's yak, and one stir fried goat. Deliver to the bunker next to the spider hole, behind the dead camel. Call first in case I'm in the latrine.
Mookie -
3/29/11, 1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
No Mom, I wont be home for dinner. Yes Mom. I'll be careful. Yes Mom, I love you too.
Tim -
3/29/11, 1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
So, Haji, tell me again who's side are we on?
3/29/11, 2:09 PM
- Unknown said...
News Desk? You wanted this photoshoot, where are you photographers? It's hot out here, and Yasmina ain't gonna hold lunch long...
3/29/11, 2:15 PM
DaveInFl said...
"Mr Obama... hold please...." "Osama... I have Obama on line 1 ready for the conference call..."
3/29/11, 2:44 PM
rbrandt said...
I don't care if you are the Imam, we are not negotiating, it is either all 72 or we go home.
3/29/11, 2:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Saks Fifth Avenue? Yeah, CNN will be here any minute. Where are those Armani pajamas you promised us?
I'm a bit torn here. If it weren't for the overlying cloud of moslem fundamentalism, I see these guys like the ragged, underfed, under armed, under trained Americans of 1775, daring to go up against a much more powerful army to throw off tyranny, and putting their lives on the line to do so.
Problem is, in that Middle East culture, we're more likely to get a theocratic tyranny to replace the wacko with guns and mercenaries tyranny. And that theocratic tyranny becomes a sibling to Iran, an islamic terrorist exporting nation with oil money to enable it.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
3/29/11, 3:02 PM
Anonymous said...
you can tell the mortar fire is getting close, saheed just sh-t a brick.
george -
3/29/11, 3:05 PM
- K-nine said...
Can you hear me now?
Sorry... I am SO sorry.... -
3/29/11, 3:23 PM
- Jon said...
Nothin man, chillin with ma gun and missing my goat -
3/29/11, 3:37 PM
clem said...
"Thank you for calling Kalashnikov tech support, how may I help you?"
"Magazine is empty! How do I replace? Please hurry; infidels are shooting at us!"
"Please hold while I direct your call." -
3/29/11, 3:52 PM
- BobG said...
"Push 1 for English, and 0 for Pushto".
3/29/11, 4:24 PM
TimO said...
"Hallo Pizza Hut... it's still 30 minutes or free, right???"
3/29/11, 4:52 PM
rbrandt said...
Foxtrot, charlie, zulu - this is Al Queda. We need those F-15's to advance to the next sand dune.
3/29/11, 5:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Yep this place sucks ! I've worn blisters on my hand since we had to eat my goat ! allua akbar my a$$ ! ; ) > SMIBSID
3/29/11, 7:08 PM
DougT said...
"If it were me, I'd go with 'kinetic military action.'"
3/29/11, 8:17 PM
Anonymous said...
"Yeah babe. Be home in an hour or so. Just got to pop these suckers. We going to have that three way? Cool. You got the camel lined up?"
3/29/11, 8:18 PM
Jess said...
"As I told you, I'm in the middle of a war. How the hell can I make arrangements to pay on my student loan?"
3/30/11, 8:24 AM