Tuesday, March 08, 2011

A Plaintiff Cry For Erl!

Rep Don Young Urges Producing
American Energy & Opening ANWR

This video is a few years old, but still up-to-the-minute with: our energy policy.  I was interested to see what sort of negatory comments this video drew (I can't think of any that can withstand scrutiny). As far as I went (pretty far)  this was the only one.

the only way to put an end to fuel prices now is to pass a bill regulating billion dollar profits of oil companies. more drilling is not gonna do it. New refineries built will help, but still not a short term fix. This congressman should be introducing a bill that regulates an oil company's profits. Any company making 7 billion a quarter while pinching the american people into poverty should have to answer for their deeds -with *GASP* gov't regulation.
coldwater71 2 years ago

I'll leave it to you then to explain why Democrats and Obama are so hell-bent to stop us from using these resources. 

Don M


Anonymous said...

Those "obscene" profits are about 4%, just like every major industry. Governmwnt control of prices will result in shortages of gas, just like it did in the seventies.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

To your local socialist, 4% is 4% that could be better spent buying laptops for the poor.

pdwalker said...

- a measely 3.99% cut for the politicians administrative overhead, of course.

Billll said...

Forbid the production of new domestic oil, play golf while the middle east burns, and deplete the strategic reserves.

By 2012 there won't be oil enough to lube a small firearm.

Bryan said...

Hell, with the directional drilling they could extract the oil and not touch a single square inch of their precious tundra! That said, a bigger story might be the Shublik, the Kingak and the Hue in Alaska. To borrow a phrase "This is a big F'ing deal!"


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