Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Can there be any hope for us?
FYI--TAKS is the state test for competency in a grade level.

Let's hope grounds-keeper Willy was responsible for this one.  By the by, here's an opportunity to take one of these competency tests your own self.  Here, for example, is the Exit Level Math Test  and the Answer Key  (not this, dammitanswer key .)   I'm ascared.          .


Anonymous said...

I thinks them meant eXcept.

oy vey ole'

Helly said...

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Will this bigotry never end?

Democrats have lost the ability to pronounce many elements of the English language, including the X sound. So "eccept" is phonetically accurate in their dialect. Phonetic spelling is accepted by most schools, because they're lucky to get that much. This is just an example of future normal.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

".... this just an eccample," Helly. Ahem.

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Ole Phat Stu said...

I followed the link and did the exit test.

Then I asked myself, exit from what?
Primary school, I would hope.

I hope your high schools in the US aren't THAT retarded. Or is it just Texas?

Stu (blogging from Germany)

Anonymous said...

Yes, the lower performing half of our population is that retarded. Where do you think that the democrats get their base?


Anonymous said...

From the TX site:
Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)

Someone with perversity in mind willfully made the acronym a mis-spelling. Why? Why not "..of Skills and Knowledge"?

turing:prometed .. jup, just got prometed frum 3rd graed.

DougM said...

It should'a been "axept," right?
Now, I axe ya.

drew458 said...

I did half the test before getting tired of it. This is the kind of crap that makes kids hate school. I did plenty of math classes in my time, out to Calc 3 and beyond, and then had a career in computers while playing home engineer and solving stuff in the real world for decades. In all that time I have NEVER had to calculate the slope of a line, find an X intercept, find a parent function, plot an equation, solve a quadratic, or fold an odd shaped bit of paper into a prism to find it's volume. I did well on their test, and I knew this stuff inside out when I was a kid. But in the big picture of life it's worthless and useless. Why is it that we teach this stuff again?

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