Monday, April 25, 2011

Bill Burr

Bill Burr
Seinfed with an attitude (who uses f**k.  A lot)

Bill Burr
After dumping XM Radio over a year ago I substituted Hitler Channel stuff to put me to sleep, and keep me from thinking about stuff that keeps me awake.  Lately I've turned to NetFlix offerings (like Truman, Ken Burns Baseball, etc.)  I've avoided comedians, because it's pretty much become obligatory for them to say something politically stupid, which takes the edge off the comedy and puts one on me.  Last night I took a flyer on this guy Bill Burr, whom I had never heard of before. I cannot imagine any dude who will not love this guy.  This CD was recorded at a concert at the Filmore in San Francisco, and he never once uttered a political thought.  Lots of women will like him too, if they can get over the language, which is full of Ef words, but in a good way.  He's someone I know very well, sounding like a Rockaway Beach Mick.  Here's some You Tube samples; Here's the (Instant) Net Flix.


Anonymous said...

I caught CK Lewis on Netflix the other day. I was hesitant because the guy is a lefty but this show, Crushed, had nary a political comment.

He's funny as hell, totally NSFW, and pretty damn insightful.

If you want a taste, google him and you'll find a 3 or 4 minute bit he did on Leno or Conan, I forget, about how great things are but no one seems to appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

"No I don't have the tackity-tackity-fuck-fuck card."


Anonymous said...

I'm going to see him this weekend. I caught one of his shows on Comedy Central. Really looking forward to the show itself.


Anonymous said...

Bill Burr is fantastic, and is great live if you ever get the chance to watch him. Youtube Bill Burr in Philadelphia (if you hate Philly, as I do) for one of the longest insults in history. :-P

John said...

If you want to avoid the obligatory leftist tripe and see guys who are really funny try: John Pinette, Jeff Dunham or any of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour guys (Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Ron White and Larry the Cable Guy).

Bill W. said...

Nick DiPaulo...

Anonymous said...

If you want to judge a comidian, take out any obscenities in his bit and see if the remainder is still funny.

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