FRAUD this is rush job on breaking news |
![]() The
blue border areas are separate components that were past together.
PS ... this is a 1961 certificate issued just a few days after the just released Obama version ![]() |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
FRAUD this is rush job on breaking news |
![]() The
blue border areas are separate components that were past together.
PS ... this is a 1961 certificate issued just a few days after the just released Obama version ![]() |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Blame going to OCR reader.
odumbo & trump are circle-jerk buddies. Of course it's a fake. More smoke & mirrors. Gotta go, gotta watch orca. (NOT!!!)
OMG!!!! Tonight on NBC Nightly News Brian Williams said "GIFT Certificate!", so he is part of the conspiracy. He knows it isn't a real birth certificate!!! Woot! we got OBAMA now, he will have to resign! Woot!
Then just who is "live birth 10611?"
No birther has adequately explained how Obama could've been born in Kenya and never won a marathon.
I'm leaning towards him being born on the planet glmpf.
Thank you, my dear friend Rodger, TRKOF. I find it absolutely incredible that anyone is buying this as "authentic"!!! I find it equally disturbing how all the talking heads in the MSM - including FNC and "conservative" radio - are describing this as the absolute conclusive end of a non-issue plagued by black helicopter theories. As soon as I saw the PDF, and zoomed in and out it was clear that something wasn't right. At work, I compose many complex documents with Adobe Acrobat on a daily basis. The document, as it was posted, is absolutely a forgery!!! ...and a pretty bad one, at that. I predict that this is NOT the end of this issue and Mr. Trump - as much as I will likely not support him for POTUS - may yet have the last laugh.
Thanks, Rodge. I was asking where the seal was on Bambi's, it ain't there. Your real example has a very faint seal, his doesn't.
What do it mean? What do it mean?
It don't matter. All he had to do was set a touch plate that his zombies could go to, and we're back to the same-old same-old. When I've stated my belief that we're way past bridging with these people, I really meant it. The Balkin thing is here. Where we see lies; they see victory and one-upsmanship. Click-click.
After all, with all the professional graphic/photo editors out there, they just happened to do *this one* poorly.
Saint Ann was just on with Ted Baxter and said we were all crazy...I think she's losing it !
Now the peasants will never be able to question their lying media ever again (including Fox News). This was a multi million dollar shell game. Two(plus) million dollars later, a nineteen year, decorated Army LTC is in prison, a Army Major's career (even in the private sector) was destroyed and the entire media was complicit in refusing to "Fact-Check" a ten dollar piece of paper. The entire media (including Fox News) failed to say/do/investigate shit about 0bama and now they're burning the bridge behind themselves so that you can never question them about anything they fail to do again... or they'll remind you of the "Birther" thing and make up a new name to call you.
It's interesting how 0bama laid off of Fox News... And Fox News became his friend over the last year.
Ann Coulter has ALWAYS called the birfers crazy. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE!
It doesn't need to be a forgery to look like that, just an official repro.
That being said, without seeing the original, there's nothing here that proves it isn't a forgery, either.
It's a dis-trac-tion, people!
You're bein' played like a tinny bordello peeaner, and all the while he's systematically dismantling the Republic, nachurl-born or ain't!
Dang it! We got bigger fish to fry; we can always hang this traitor later.
Hmmm ... then again, he won't be able to use the "I'm not a citizen, so you can't try me for treason" excuse, anymore.
Doug, it's not like people who are concerned over what looks like a conspiracy to commit treason have been silent on other fronts. What avenues do you see as being more fruitful? That we've ignored because of "birthing?" And, absent all "birther" activity, would you say the sumbitch would be now perilously close to eviction? I don't think so. This isn't just about Obama. It's about the Democrat party, their media bodyguard of lies, and constitutional principles. But maybe I'm just gone stupid. (Really. Maybe have. How could I tell?)
And somewhere in the media world, dan blather is smiling...
Thinking about what DougM said...
Slick Willy would bomb someone when ever his Willy would get caught being slick... No one mastered the art of distraction better than him, however this guy gives it an honest effort. Only his distractions are when he is bombing someone and it isn't going well, or when the economy is tanking, or when the oil, dollar, or food prices are out of whack...
Now they have other things to talk about instead of his ineptitude, they can fake ours...
Click click (your seat belt... of course, what were you thinking?)
Prolly been up too late, but I misparsed this:
"a conspiracy to commit treason have been silent on other fronts"
as 'other fjords'. And now I think Teh Won is some Norwegian socialist, as opposed to a Kenyan socialist. Ya'all trying to distract me from knowing him as a rat-bastidd commie fuck, which I know he is, fjords notwithstanding.
U K L Lee was the name of character who was killed off with a knife in the chest, in an episode of Inspector Morse, filmed in 1987....The conspiracy continues...
I can't find the source for that episode of Inspector Morse. Can you direct?
He's mocking us while shredding the Constitution and our economy. I hope he chokes on a piece of Kobe steak and dies.
wv = flablyze = what Mikey Moore does.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick