Thursday, April 21, 2011

FCC Nationalizes Boeing

News From The Secretariat
The NLRB (aka SEIU) has told Boeing that the airline giant must stop expanding its operations in South Carolina, a right-to-work state, and build more factories in Washington. 
Hoffa - aliove and well working for the NLRB
  In what may be the strongest signal yet of the new pro-labor orientation of the National Labor Relations Board under President Obama, the agency filed a complaint Wednesday seeking to force Boeing to bring an airplane production line back to its unionized facilities in Washington State instead of moving the work to a nonunion plant in South Carolina.
Although manufacturers have long moved plants to nonunion states, the board noted that Boeing officials had, in internal documents and news interviews, specifically cited the strikes and potential future strikes as a reason for their 2009 decision to expand in South Carolina.  [Labor Board Tells Boeing New Factory Breaks Law]

Just days after Premier Obama instructed the FFC  to force NBC into using George Soros news tailors,  this.  With no hyperbole intended, may I suggest that this administration is the Manson Family, crashing Thanksgiving dinner,while the men respond by continuing to play pinochle in the basement?  Well, at least we found out what happened to Jimmy Hoffa.  He's working for Obama.  One more thing.  Boeing?  They have all the parts I need to get my B-52 in the air, and then they'd have no more problems with the Obamunists. I don't get it.

PS.  For all the kiddies out there in the Dauily Krotch playpen, guess what "controlling the means of production" refers to? So who is the fascist?  Hmmmm.  Who is the Commie?  Hmmmm?


Anonymous said...

So Boeing is building the 787s in south Carolina. So what????

I apparently have been laboring under a false impression that Boeing, or any other company for that matter, could manufacture their products any place that wanted. But now the union goons don't like corporations thinking for themselves. The union goons should be damn happy Boeing didn't "outsource" the manufacture of the 787s to China or Bangladesh or (Heaven forbid!), France.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Remember that march on the mall a few years ago? That was the time. The last chance, it appears. We came this || close, but lacked the spark.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a high crime to me.


Anonymous said...

Response: Move all production out of Seattle.. They already moved HQ.
Somebody not reading writing on Wall

Anonymous said...

You may have noticed Microsoft makes nothing in Washington State. Most of their employees are engineers mgmt etc.
no union thugs.

toadold said...

And of course the politicians from South Carolina have sent a nasty letter to the NLRB head and requested he attend a blanket party in his honor. Some heads from other right to work states have also chimed in and have said they want to bring some socks, locks, and bars of soap.

Jim - PRS said...

What a load of manure. "Retaliation" against employees for engaging in organizing activity has always been a violation of the National Labor Relations Act (which creates the NLRB), but this ridiculous ruling by the Board would have every business decision that a business makes be couched as "retaliation" for "strikes and potential future strikes."

As long as the company didn't violate the terms of the collective bargaining agreement by moving its operations, it is free to do so.

Bizarro world.

rickn8or said...

Jim-PRS, I'm sure every one of those WA state employees got a "We're moving to SC, wanna come along?" letter.

In which case, f*ck 'em.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. If it's about unions, why didn't the Federal government go after Michael Moore when he used non-union workers on (of all things) "Capitalism: A Love Story"?

TheOldMan said...

I don't see retaliation against employees, rather it is against the union itself.

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