Rep. Frank: Administration 'wasting
time' with online poker crackdown |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Manchurian Queen
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"As Financial Services chairman in the last Congress, Frank moved legislation to legalize online gambling through his committee. "
$$$ -
4/18/11, 6:14 PM
Anonymous said...
You are right about Rep. Barney Frank's responsibility for the economic debacle we are in. However, on this issue he is absolutely right. The Gestapo has vastly oversteped its bounds.
There is absolutely no reason for online poker to be banned. Poker is a passtime for hundreds of thousands of Americans, and millions of people throughout the world. We play in private, in our own homes, on our own computers, with our own money, and bother absolutely no one. It is a capitalist act between consenting adults.
The Poker Player's Alliance, which tries to get poker legalized again, endorsed Harry Reid. I am a Nevadan, and that is why I am no longer a member of the PPA.
There is enough venom for both parties in this affair. Bush and his merry men allowed the anti-internet gaming bill to be tacked onto the port security bill, without debate. Then he signed it. I was living in Georgia at the time, and wrote to my conservative Democrat Representative to tell him I was opposed to his vote (and why, in detail), and wanted him to reverse himself. He had the gall to send me a form letter thanking me for supporting his vote! The PPA counts as a friend Rep. Barney Frank, When you have to stoop to Barney Frank's level, you are in serious trouble. On the plus side, they also count former Sen. Al Damato as an important ally.
I have played poker online for years. I see people from dozens of other countries there, including Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Ireland, Great Britain, Japan, China, Philippines, South Africa, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Austria, and many more. Every one of those players lives in a country which allows its citizens more liberty than our country allows us.
I am more than a little pissed off about this. What's your passtime? Golf? Lets say Congress outlawed golf tomorrow. It makes just as much sense.
There is a reasonable case to be made that the federal government cannot outlaw poker online or otherwise. Only states can, as they are the only ones which can allow (or not) brick and mortar casinos. I now live in one state which allows them, Nevada.
Skoonj -
4/18/11, 7:51 PM
- rickn8or said...
Skoonj-- I agree completely, but I'll bet the Federales' main complaint about online poker is they can't figure how to tax it.
And do you think the casinos REALLY want online poker legalized?? -
4/18/11, 7:57 PM
USMC2841 said...
Somebody should tell Bwarney it's "poker" not "poke him" they're cracking down on.
4/18/11, 8:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Bwanny is right on this subject.
Do casinos want on-line gambling? Harry Reid thought so... as long as the casinos run on-line gambling. -
4/18/11, 8:31 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Skoonj ... I thought of you when I posted this. In fact I damned near subtitled "Attn: Skoonj.
Yeah, of course it's nonsense. But how very strange for Mr. Frank to so strenuously object to anything a Democrat administration does. Has it ever happened before?
I'm afraid that I see Barney, desperate for campaign cash in 2010, was bought by gaming interests, and is simply repaying a debt. The only way he can repay the American people for the harm inflicted is to "erase himself." In some agonizingly slow fashion. -
4/18/11, 10:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger,I can't remember anything specific of Frank or any Democrat objecting to something a Democrat administration does. Must have been back in the day of Sen. Scoop Jackson, when there was such a thing as the "non-communist left".
I think he was holding this position well prior to 2010. Hey, a stopped clock is right twice a day, so I don't ascribe negative motivation to him on this. My question is why are we not hearing a lot more from those of both parties about this. Three days after DC adopted a law allowing internet poker!
And this is just one more reason I despise GW Bush, and can't get my dander up when Obama blames stuff on him. I do too. Thing is, Obama has enough evil going for him, including this: the FBI works for Eric The Red, so I assume the Gestapo is on the same page as its masters.
Skoonj -
4/18/11, 11:34 PM