Dad Gives Cancer-Stricken Boy Marijuana Behind Doctor's Back So would I. And I'd hire women to satisfy his every sexual desire, and yes he has some, which at his age would be just looking and touching. But still. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, May 06, 2011
Dying Boy Gets Merry-jew-wanna
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
hellferbreakfast said...
Some folks would disagree. But, what's this young man going to miss out on? His entire life!! I think you're right. What will it matter? If it eases the pain, I say give it to him. No child should suffer that. God bless him.
5/6/11, 11:43 PM
- Wabano said...
Hippies' life center around pot smoking, that's all they are able to think about, like the nazis and the mussies can only think about dissing Jews.
Believing anything these insects say is like believing commies, nazis or mussies... -
5/7/11, 12:36 AM
Pleather Plush Doll, Etc. said...
"Anti-Hippies' life center around pot smoking, that's all they are able to think about..."
Fixed it for you. -
5/7/11, 1:28 AM
Anonymous said...
When I was 26 I thought I was ten feet tall and bulletproof. I was diagnosed with cancer, went through chemo and was at a point where the only thing that tasted good was Top Ramen and baby food. Knew where I could get some pot, smoked some hooch, came back in the house and ate half a pan of lasagna and half a pan of brownies. I'm now 43 and if any of my four kids were to face the same fate I would gladly ease their suffering. Enough said.
Woulde -
5/7/11, 1:41 AM
- Marie said...
I don't think fornication makes you happier, and I don't think it is good for you.
But drugs for medical reasons are generally approved, I don't know anybody who would even deny morphine for physical suffering, so what is the problem?
The "medical marijuana" centers however are just set up for pot heads, not sick little kids. -
5/7/11, 3:21 AM
Anonymous said...
"I don't think fornication makes you happier, and I don't think it is good for you."
You must not be doing it right. "Medically" speaking it releases endorphins which by definition make you happier. Not to mention the stress and pain relief. Not saying to go out picking up hookers, but there aint nothing wrong with a little bump'n'grind.
IrateIrishman -
5/7/11, 7:04 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Marie, my wife overheard our son, then age 4, tell this to his brother, age 5.
"I'm afraid I'll die before I'll touch a boobie."
That's men Marie. BTW, I was not suggesting the lad have sex with them, because , you know, he prolly couldn't. As I remember, you have to be at least 6. :) -
5/7/11, 7:44 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Woulde, I have a dear friend who's battling cancer and just sent him your comment.
5/7/11, 7:45 AM
- Wabano said...
"Fixed it for you.
# posted by Anonymous Pleather Plush Doll, Etc."
That's your brain power after a lifetime in the weeds...
That said, outside the US, ALL people with terminal cancer are given a morphine feed adjustable to give them clear thinking and a pain free end...come on, pot is a joke by sad buffoons, nothing but a pretext to get wasted.
Hippies are like Muslims, you cant cite ONE thing they accomplished that is not a fraud. -
5/7/11, 9:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Want to do us a favor, Wabano? Let us know how you read Would's mind and detected that he's just another stoner making up a story to justify dope.
5/7/11, 10:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Clinton, Bush and Obama have all admitted to smoking pot.
We know everything these three have said is pure bullcrap. -
5/7/11, 11:49 AM
Cheesy said...
Wabano the intolerant pot-hater is prolly a raving alcoholic.
5/7/11, 11:54 AM
- Kristophr said...
Wabano: just because some wretched hippie abuses a drug does not make that drug automatically evil.
Save your ire for those wretched hippies that use the illnesses of others to justify their own excessive behavior. -
5/7/11, 12:45 PM
Anonymous said...
I've got to side with Wabano partly. If you don't plan on doing anything in life... smoke 'em if ya got 'em. If you need to kill the pain though, any preferred method is permitted.
Casca -
5/7/11, 1:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Say what you want about pot smokers, but if I needed a ride home from a party and got an offer from someone who had been smoking pot all night and another offer from someone who had been drinking all night, I would get in the car of the pot smoker without a second thought.
While I'm sure there is a lot of fraud going on with medical marijuana, it's also a fact that those in genuine pain don't get high on pain killers such as pot or even morphine.
GrinfilledCelt -
5/7/11, 4:15 PM
- Wabano said...
"just because some wretched hippie abuses a drug does not make that drug automatically evil."
Fact is, it is totally useless in the case of terminal cancer patients, they would not even feel it.
To use them as a pretext to skirt the law is pretty sordid...but what is not sordid about hippies? Seen Charlie Manson lately? That's what hippies wannabe in their heart of hearts.
And if you are disgusted by dope, it make you an alky...typical hippie logic! -
5/7/11, 6:43 PM
- Wabano said...
Charlie Manson is to hippies what Oussama bin Laden is to muslims...
They all pretend to hate them, but in secret, they are all idolizing these two creeps. -
5/7/11, 6:50 PM
The Den Mother said...
Take a good look at yourself, Wabano. A very good look.
5/8/11, 12:35 AM
David said...
My great-Uncle drank heavily for almost 60 years. At 76 years old he climbed onto the wagon, for several reasons. 15 years later he was diagnosed with cancer, which he elected not to treat. He watched what several relatives went through, successfully and unsuccessfully, fighting their cancers and decided that at 91 years old, he lacked both desire and strength to fight that fight.
The family was sitting around talking to him when his daughter asked if he needed or wanted anything. He replied "I would love a drink." Most of the family immediately started trying to convince him that he didn't need the drink. I got up went downtown bought him a bottle of Jack Daniels Black Label (his favorite) and brought it home to him.
He was grateful, the rest of the family was pissed off. So before I left town to return home, I went back downtown and made arrangements with the liquor store owner to have two bottles a week delivered directly to him until he died.
He lasted about 2 months. It was the best money I have ever spent. -
5/8/11, 1:46 AM
Anonymous said...
Folks, before you pile on Wabano do the research. I had to for a school paper and here in my state of Rhode Island for an example, they passed a "Compassion Center" law so doctors could prescribe "medical marijuana" for "compassionate" reasons. Well, to date, no city would allow one of them to be built due to the fact they did not want either the type of clientele OR the stigma associated with pot havens.
This state has 1300 authorized growers and nowhere to legally sell it. Now you do the math and with our population of a million and a half, that is a lot of dope - and very high grade dope. This stuff is nothing like the oregano we smoked as a kid - this is heavy duty, psychotropic pot.
In the medical defense, there is very limited good that can be accomplished in the nausea, appetite and pain areas but, these can be handled by therapies that don't produce the psychotropic effects. Now you may say the psychotropic (high) effects are small price to pay for the relief but, you would be wrong. The psychotropic effect is ALL that dopers are looking for and as Wabano alluded to this is the primary reason for these "compassion centers" in their guise of helping the sick.
Concluding as I did in my presentation, medical marijuana is merely another nail in the coffin of morality and decency wherein you can get your high and tune in, turn on and drop out as that late great pothead Tim Leary once said.
Bolivar -
5/8/11, 7:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Speaking for myself, it's mainly the arrogant, anybody-who-disagrees-with-me-must-be-an-a**hole-stoner attitude that comes through from Wabano that offends me. You too, Bolivar, brush off Woulde's account as if it means nothing.
Did your research consist of your own double-blind tests with patients on chemotherapy, or did you read published papers by authors in the medical establishment? I wish I could have more trust in the medical authorities on this subject. After forty years and hundreds of billions of dollars into a "drug war", I have no trust, ZERO, in the establishment to provide information (political, sociological, medical) free of a bias supporting laws against drugs. The current situation makes the establishment too much money.
The last time I smoked dope was 20 years ago, it was for the first time in several years, make of that what you will, and I swore off the stuff. I know two people who smoke "medical" marijuana, and at least one of them is just a stoner wasting his life away. I have no patience for stoners or other people who refuse to grow up. If someone says pot alleviated symptoms of chemotherapy, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, I don't give a damn what our medical "betters" or arrogant snots like Wabano say. -
5/8/11, 12:32 PM
- Wabano said...
In essence, you have the two opposing ideologies, on one side the "Liberation Theologies", who seek to free from egocentric impulses and the other, the muslims and the hippies with their enslavement to the baser instincts.
The muslim heaven is basically alcoholic and pedophiliac while the hippie is just getting stoned right now.
For the muslim upper classes, Shariah is a joke for suckers(King Saud died from alcoholic liver disease)...Indeed, Hassan ibn al Sabbah(of the assassins) last words where: "Nothing is true, Everything is permitted"...
From the hippies' ideologies, two words: "Helter Skelter"... -
5/8/11, 1:12 PM
Anonymous said...
I am frankly amused that I have been lumped in with slackers, dopers and hippies enslaved to their baser instincts. No hippie slacker, I would consider myself to be a net asset to society with faculties enough to complete a multi-million dollar amubulatory surgical center as the GC PM; project on time and under budget.
My experience though is that after months of chemotherapy and getting no respite from chemo's side effects with perscribed medications I decided to smoke marijuana in an effort to maintain some semblance of comfort. I haven't smoke pot since. In fact my only vices are a glass or two of red wine a night, titanium bicycles and C&S NSFW rollovers. If you would have asked me before I was diagnosed with cancer if I thought marijuana should be an acceptable method of combating the side effects of chemotherapy I don't know what I would have said. I can't tell you now as my perception is colored by my experience. If you ask me now it would be an emphatic yes because I have lived it. I'm sure that that all of the militant objections to any form of medicinal marijuana are not due to an obtuse, closeminded obedience to societal preconceived notions and prejudices but rather gleaned through hours of face time with patients who have lived it. My white count (?) was always checked before I received chemo to be sure that my body had the reserve to combat the effects of the toxic stew being pumped into me. I noticed a clear connection between my eating and sleeping habits in the period preceeding chemo and the results of my blood tests. More often then not when chemotherapy was delayed I had not been able to eat as well or sleep as much. If anti-nausea medication provided mediocre relief but marijuana provided superior relief why deny that? How has it harmed you or society that marijauna was consumed to treat an illness? Because a government funded study said so? The same government that manages your life through burdensome tax policy and cumbersome regulation?
I don't think it can be generally accepted or agreed upon that Wabano's postulation that "Fact is, it is totally useless in the case of terminal cancer patients, they would not even feel it." is accurate. I can admit when I am wrong and if a study can be cited that proves this absolute I will be the first to profess my ignorance. I do think though that it can be generally accepted or agreed upon that society's values can influence or dictate behavior that is ultimately is contrary to individuals best interest though it poses no harm to society at large. Oh... My oncologist did tell me that marijuana works for some people and if it worked for me then she endorsed it.
Rodger, I am sorry to hear about your dear friend and thoughts and prayers are with them. Tell them to remember that attitude is everything when it comes to survival. I they have not read it yet "Love, Medicine and Miracles" by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel is a good read.
Woulde -
5/8/11, 3:27 PM