Osama Problem DUH |
Via DC
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, May 02, 2011
Re: Sgt. bin Laden and Cpl. Omar
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Now THERE'S a shocker!
Casca -
5/2/11, 10:49 AM
JMcD said...
Ok...Osama bites the dust in Abbottabad.
Now if Al-Zawahiri gets it in Costelloabad, I'm gonna get kinda skeptical.
Still though, doesn't president Obanana deserve a laural and hardy handshake? -
5/2/11, 12:51 PM
- Arthur said...
"They got their face saving gesture for giving up in Afghanistan now."
That's the best case scenario. I'm personally thinking 'peace dividend' and absolute destruction of the US military. -
5/2/11, 12:53 PM
TimO said...
Big surprise. To them it always boils down to "Believers vs. Infidels" and they'll always back and protect one of their own.
If Reagan was in charge, he might have waited until the choppers were clear and then leveled the entire town with Tomahawks and B-2s.
Sometimes a display is necessary... -
5/2/11, 3:25 PM
- Skoonj said...
I Keel You! -
5/2/11, 4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Watching all the celebrations on FOX last night, it occurred to me to wonder, "What if all this was the reaction to the removal of Obama from the White House?" The very thought was heartwarming. So what is taking them so long? That particular terrorist isn't even trying to hide.
GrinfillecCelt -
5/2/11, 4:38 PM
JMcD said...
One thing that I wonder is long does it take to do a DNA test?
I always thought several days or week or more.
Obanana and crew say they have DNA proof that is was Bin Laden so they fed him to the crabs.
They were able to get a DNA test THAT fast.
I wouldn't have guessed it. |:-O -
5/2/11, 5:28 PM
JMcD said...
Did I hear this right?
Oscuma Bin Labia remained a true Muslim man til the very end, using his unimportant, subhuman, solely owned, wife as a human shield. -
5/2/11, 5:36 PM
- Skoonj said...
You put your finger on his humanitarianism: He used her as a HUMAN shield. She wasn't a dog shield or a property shield. She was a HUMAN shield. Of course he was a humanitarian. She died with that dignity!
5/2/11, 5:42 PM
- Stepperg said...
Just for fun: -
5/2/11, 7:47 PM
Anonymous said...
In case no-one noticed, there's this little thing called Executive Order 11905. If Obama is telling the truth and really did order the assissination of Bin Laden, that makes Barry a criminal as a matter of US law. The crime being murder.
. -
5/2/11, 7:52 PM
hellferbreakfast said...
Wonder how high the pucker factor is in that 'ville tonight??
5/2/11, 9:55 PM