Friday, June 03, 2011


Ohio State’s Jim Tressel gets axed,
but rotting wood remains in college athletics 
  How does MD basketball relate to Jim Tressel and Ohio State? Feinstein thinks the Bob Wade debacle is equilivant to what is going on at OSU and that they deserve a similar punishment. He also says 99% of people care about their teams winning, not about GPA and grades. [WaPost story via Testudotimes]

I don't know enough about Trestle's culpability here to comment. Instead I'm driven by the arbitrary way the NCAA seems to enforce rules.  Programs like Kentucky basketball, and lately, Connecticut's are immune.  It's like Democrats are running the NCAA too


Anonymous said...

It was simple. Everyone is guiltier than Tressel, so you take down Tress and scare the shit out of the rest of them.

Think of it like Scooter Libby. Did he swim in a lake of shit? Yes. Did he get some on him? Yes. Does he have some idiot kids on the team? Yes. Did he pay players to play? No.

SI is guilty in this too. Fucking assholes.



Anonymous said...

Just read the Wapo crap. Lots of broadbrush, very little fact. Well, at least Pryor got his tats. How'd you like to live your life hanging your career on the decision making skills of 20-year-old men?


Gayle Miller said...

Rodge - full disclosure - I am an alum of Ohio State and only moved to the D.C. area from Columbus, Ohio in 2006. All that being said, Jim Tressel has been a magnificent success in one area of the program and that is his insistence on his student-athletes doing well in their studies.

All the rest of this is just a damned shame - and frankly those hypocritical dimwits at the NCAA ought to have their asses kicked BEFORE they're all fired and more sensible regs put in place. Columbus is a city with a pretty low cost of living but even so these kids have trouble putting clothes on their backs and what not. I don't give a particular doggone if someone gives them a discount on a freaking tattoo! Give them a car for heavens' sakes! They bring 32 million in profit to the university every year - surely their services are worth a few dollars?

Anonymous said...

Gayle, I was a freshman when they fired Woody.


Third Coast said...

The linked Wash. Post article was written by the infamous Commie prick John Feinstein. Probably a pack of lies.
That being said, Tressel is a lying POS hypocrite. It's documented he virtually lied to/about everyone and everything involved in the investigation.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Don't know about no commie stuff, but I've always enjoyed Feinstein's hoop books/articles.

Third Coast said...

During Dubya's reign, Feinstein couldn't do a television commentary without dragging in some sort of political commentary completely out of the blue that attacked the Prez and the war effort. He did his best (while our guys were fighting and dying in Iraq) to bring aid and comfort to our enemies. Taranto occasionally highlights these political pundit wannabes, for example.

Kim said...

"It's like Democrats are running the NCAA too"


Rodge, if it has "college" in the title, liberals and Democrats [some overlap har har] are involved.

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