Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Cindersarah and the evil step-sisters

Revisiting stuff that was right then, and still is

  There are numerous reasons why so many liberal women hate and fear Sarah Palin. However, with the exception of her pro-life stance and perhaps her Christianity, it is not really her "principle-centered policies" that cause the foam-at-the-mouth hissyfits that afflict Palinophobes. They hate her on a much more personal level. - Alana Marie Burke


Sometimes people are spot-on about something, but it's not confirmable until later. I recalled a post I made (on December 06, 2009, as it turns out) and went looking for it.  It rhetorically asked,  "Who's afraid of Sarah Palin."  I knew it was an insightful bulls-eye then, and still do, so it's worth revisiting.

Palin's folksy demeanor, faulty diction and lack of elitist education, combined with pervasive appeal, are what drive her haters nuts. Ultra-liberal feminists detest that a moose-hunting everymom was able to rise to the top of the heap when so many elitist feminists rest on their lily-white laurels and pat themselves on the back for their "enlightened" political views while accomplishing very little.

The average Jane admires Palin for her ability to forge a path from obscurity to relative power while sticking to her beliefs (and guns), but more than half of Americans view her unfavorably. Yet, despite Palin's low approval numbers, liberals still fear her. Perhaps it is because Palin's view that "This is America and every woman can walk through every door of opportunity" could mobilize enough support from politically disenchanted women to harness a viable voting bloc.

It is interesting to note that more men than women believe Palin is qualified to be president - perhaps because they are not personally threatened by her and find the combination of pit bull and femininity intriguing.

Other observations made by Ms. Burke include::
  • New York Times columnist David Brooks called Palin a "fatal cancer to the Republican party." If this is accurate, then why are Democrats bent on discrediting her? Wouldn't they do well to let her keep her hopes up and let that cancer fester?
  • Despite their intentions to tear Palin down, her hate club is doing her a great favor with their incessant chatter, which inflames her base and keeps her in the news. If the chatter continues, before they know it, Palin might be on that 2012 ticket.
Sarah of course went on to challenge the Republican Party's 2010 hand picked RINOs with her own, mostly nobodies who were actual conservatives. Most of whom won office.  The Left's abject horror over the specter of Sarah Palin with power continues unabated. Giddy-up.


Jess said...

Liberal women hate Sarah Palin because she knows what a bunch of road lizard skanks they really are...and isn't bashful about letting them know how she feels.

Anonymous said...

My favorite line about Palin was the one that said something like "Libbers hate Palin because she represents the "how do I load this thang" brand of femininism". In other words, self reliance over govt enforced equality. drummermanrick

Chuck Martel said...

I think they hate her because she is pretty.

DougM said...

Lots of petty reasons and one big one:
They hate anyone that strays off The Reservation™ that their identity group is supposed to confine itself to. She's evidence that Prog/Lib categorization is artificial and that the Prog/Lib Reservation™ system is a trap. Palin is a threat to everything they believe, not for what she can do in office, but because she nurtures doubt in those still on The Reservations™.
Okay, two ... two big ones:
They absolutely haaaaate anyone who gets away with disagreeing with them.

molonlabe28 said...

I really like the way the media is literally chasing her bus all over the country.

And the backdrop against which all of this is occuring (the fanfare about Rep. Weiner's e-mailing a photo of his unimpressive wad to a college girl) makes these seem like surreal times.

The media (e.g. Martin Bashir) have a galloping case of the vapors and it is quite hillarious.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

For this who don't know, that Ethiopian rug merchant Bashir claims Sarah is in contravention of US law because she's displaying the American flag wrongly? I'm not making that up.

Anonymous said...

Palin hijacked the Memorial Day veteran bikers' run :-(

Do you mean to tell me none of those Harley dudes can provoke a highsider when we need one ? :-(

Anonymous said...

I think it is great that she is showing the media the same courtesy that they are showing her.


Kristophr said...

Ole Phat Stu: Those veteran bikers will all be voting for her.

Sucks to be you, come 2012.

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