Friday, June 03, 2011

Face Book People From High School

Types of Facebook Friends From High School 
I'm not a Facebook person, but I do recognize all of them.  I'm none of these of course.

Facebook Friends


Esteve said...

Add the Nostalgic Nice Guy. I graduated from a small town high school that no longer exits. Thankfully, we have one of the above that just keeps us informed of what's happening to old friends and their families from a little town in Florida where everybody knew everybody.

Anonymous said...

That's why I'm not on Facebook.

Ten Mile Island said...

Nailed it!

(Especially, that TMI Guy.)

Anonymous said...

What Mary said. Not for nuthin'.

Now I'm getting all these messages from bidness contacts wanting me to join Linked In. Apparantly Linked In makes you more accessible to all those people you already phone, visit and email several times a week, if not daily. Not sure I'm smart enough to understand the utility of that, either.

H the Comet

Alear said...

Something about a year ago that I wanted to see required me to register with FB. So I did, saw what I saw, and that was supposed to be the end of it. Nope. I get emails saying folks I once knew want to be friends with me. I click yes. But never check out my page, much less theirs.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Alear - that's exactly my story too.

Desert Cat said...

To think, this is the "next step" beyond blogging for millions.

I shudder...

I started a Facebook profile once. I deleted everything in it once I realized how..."creepy" the whole thing seemed. I can't quite place my finger on what squicks me out, maybe I enjoy my pseudo-anonymity as a blogosphere persona too much or something.

Kim said...

Small quibble: it's "vindictiveness" not "vindiction".


root@localhost.localdomain said...

Here's how it creeps me out:
You know how the mobster movies always have a scene where the cops are putting together the bulletin board of pictures? You know.. they have the crime boss at the top of the pyramid, then they work hard to connect the pictures of who knows who, who's related to who and all of that. Well, that's what Facebook is. At a touch of a button, the DHS or other alphabet agency can instantaneously find out who you are, who you know, who you talk to, what you say, what you think, what you feeeel and what your influences are. They can instantly "Profile" you with little to no work at all. You documented it all for them. Add your "Smart Phone" and Google and they can see where you are, where you've been and who you hang around. No need to strap a GPS device on your car if they know you religiously carry your phone (they can simply activate your phone as a listening device too). They can always access the archive of ALL of your emails and instant messages. Gmail, Hotmail and Google are fairly open about their policy to keep everything they want for(ever) as long as they want. Are they really doing this to just any schmuck? Probably not, but if you raise the tiniest bit of suspicion, your entire life, databased and archived, is just a mouse click away for them. Make sure you think about how it would look in a court of law before you post that Facebook picture of yourself holding your shiny new hunting rifle... just several conversations after saying "so*and*so is a real corksucker" and "The Gummint sucks".

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