Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Feds to forestall fatsos?

Thank you sir, may I have another?
Feeling bad about yourself, fattypants? Tired of making your own decisions? Don't worry, Uncle Sam is here to keep you from making any more unfortunate mistakes when you sit down to eat. That's right, the smart people who know how to run your life better than you do are inching toward regulating food the same way as tobacco. TheDC's Neil Munro reports: "The federal government has a growing interest in the eating habits of Americans for the same reason it has an interest in tobacco consumption, said Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The reason is money ...   [ Daily Caller, Feds to forestall fatsos?]

Thank you sir, may I have another?

The thinking man's objection to government run anything, especially health care, has more to do with the camel's nose than the certain degradation of services.  By granting government dominion over our health services,  we triggered an eventual Soylent Green [death panel] necessity; we gave gummint the key to our lives.  Tobacco—  Fatsos— Bullets—  Contact Sports—  All Sports—  Knives .... .  Our response to this eventual progression will be, if current trends continue,  "Thank you sir, may I have another?"  Gummint will resond, "Why yes. Thank you for asking.  Pull lever D on Tuesday."

By the time Obama is out of office, even if that was tomorrow, his legacy is a stack of legislation that will never be overturned.  Ever.   Eventually civil upheaval will follow, of a magnitude we really cannot wrap our heads around.

Well, maybe if he  disappeared tomorrow.  Along with about 12,000 selected apparatchiks.  Maybe then things would be swell again.  If I could push that button, I would.  Instead,  I'll have to hope for a new administration.  One led by someone who has no history of being a double-dealing, go along-to get along MFCS. That list is so short as to be virtually non existent.

GIVE ME AN S_ ....   


Anonymous said...

From Drudge: Egyptians prefer Osama to Obama -- 21% to 12%

So do we. At least Osama's .... .

- college student in Texas

Skoonj said...

Let us think about what might happen once Obama is out of office. Many feel there has been so much perpetrated by him and his regime that reversing all of it, and righting the nation, would take a generation. Maybe.

But what if it were PROVEN that Obama was not eligible to be president? That he was not, under the Constitution, able to take the office, become Commander in Chief, and sign bills into law?

If that were the case, would it not be true that all the documents he signed would be, all at once, be null and void? No Obamacare, no nothing. And why would that not be case? That would be a hell of a mess, but a mess I think we can live with far better than with the legacy Obama has left us.

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