Thursday, June 09, 2011

Mitt McCain

Mitt Locks It Up
NYT Endorses Mitt McCain
It seemed like a straightforward question on a second-tier issue: Would Mitt Romney disavow the science behind global warming? The putative Republican presidential front-runner, eager to prove his conservative bona fides, could easily have said what he knew many in his party’s base wanted to hear. Instead, the former Massachusetts governor stuck to the position he has held for many years — that he believes the world is getting warmer and that humans are contributing to it.
WaPost - Romney draws early fire from conservatives over views on climate change
Mitt Romney, author of the prototypical government Health Care plan, rides shotgun on Al Gore's man-caused global warming express. Giddyup. The dream Republican candidate—   if you're a Liberal.  He'll  get the full John McCain treatment now, for sure. He already is.  A billion words of favorable media coverage, and then the New York Times endorsement.

NYT Endorses Mitt McCain

There's not a person in this room who voted for John McCain in a primary.  McCain benefited from a strong get-out-the-vote effort— oh yeah, by ACORN.  And  labor unions.  And  the New Black Panthers,  Democrats were urged to cross party lines and vote for him in the Republican primaries, in violation of the law in some cases. Turned out in droves, they did. And we - the nation at large - we were stuck with him. 

I never understood how a political party could be forced to let outsiders (who hate their guts) vote in their nominating process; something akin to Rush Limbaugh subscribers nominating the slate of National Organization for Women officers. What the hell is wrong with Republicans?   There should be court cases filed repeatedly until they secure the right of self governance.

Too late now.  Mitt's got the nomination locked up.  Then he's back to being treated by the media like, well,  like John McCain.  Loser.  Unless—   Hmmm.  I'm trying to think.  Is there a candidate who could rally support,  from so many people, that all the Donk monkeyshines in the world would fall short?  Someone who lights up a room.  It would probably the very last person the New York Times would endorse.  Hmmmm.  There must be someone.


Anonymous said...

I like how that lady with the crazy eyes calls him Willard. Who names a kid "Mitt"? Nobody, that's what they call him when his name is Willard.


Anonymous said...

If you cover the top half of the photo, it sure looks a lot like John McCain...
Mitt may wise up or not. He has this unsettling desire to please his audience, to cater to their whims and opinions, and will obfuscate his own position to kowtow to theirs... It is better known as waffling, or speaking out of both sides of ones mouth at the same time.
Toughen up, Mitt, or ye shall remain an also-ran. Decide what you want to be when you grow up. Quit catering. We do NOT need as much ethanol as decreed by a corn-cowed congress.[grain fed?]
We do need it to some degree to oxygenate fuels in colder temps. That is all.
I should STFU.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

tomw - the paint has, long ago, dried on that canvas.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

tomw - it sure looks a lot like John McCain...

Jess said...

He's another political junkie. His type will lick the bottom of a trash can if they think it will prolong their political career.

Personally, I think it's time to dig a moat around D.C., turn off the lights and tape the show. Use the profits to pay off the debt.

Anonymous said...

At some point the artillery needs to pound it until the rubble dances.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Palin is great until you see she has a 60% unfavorability ranking, with people saying they would absolutely never vote for her. How important is the future of the country? Worth nominating a nasally reality start to run for the President with a high chance of losing? Want to give Obama four more years on a silver pladder? If you think that's good for the country, let me know, I'll march to the beat with you.

Cheesy said...

Who names a kid "Mitt"?
Maybe he got hit with a baseball when he was a baby...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Anonymous, we've tried your Kenya boy, what could be worse?

Juice said...

Not interested in Romney, Gingrich, McShame, Giuliani.... stick a fork in 'em.
Palin's voice reminds me of the Bible story of Moses. God selected Moses to lead the Jews from bondage, but he was too insecure and self-conscience regarding his speaking skills and continually hounded God to allow his "oratorically correct" brother Aaron to accompany him. To be at his side. We all know how that turned out. Aaron betrayed God, led the Jews to idolatry and wandering in the wilderness for forty years as punishment. We've done enough wandering through the wilderness of Liberalism and cowardice by spineless Reps. I want a true Conservative to lead us out. Voice, mannerisms or not.
What too simple minded?

Anonymous said...

So now anyone who doesn't like Palin, must be an Obama supporter? You're wrong, Rodge.

Wabano said...

Must be subconscious O'Bummer supporter, yes!

Anonymous said...

You'd be wrong, Jethro.

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