Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Real Story of America's Founding

The Real Story of America's Founding

San Francisco is considering a ban on the sale of goldfish. Basically, the government is afraid that people are getting fish as impulse buys and not treating them properly, so they don’t want to allow anyone to buy them at all. They’re also considering a ban on parents having their babies circumcised.

Bombarding Frisco

They’ve already banned Happy Meals, as they think they’re too enticing to children and parents can’t be expected to control what their own kids eat ...

The leaders of these cities have taken it upon themselves to place their own opinions of what people should or should not be doing above basic liberty. They’ve made it the government’s role to be a nanny and have ruled individual choice as unimportant. And I have one thing to say to them:  [Cont]

via American Digest


toadold said...

Both Jews and Muslims are suing the city council over this.
The downside is hey won't stop doing this kind of crap until the vigilantes show up, because they can use taxpayer money to defend against suits and they own the judges anyway.

TimO said...

Maybe build a big wall around it and rename "Escape from New York" to "Escape from San Francisco"???

Anonymous said...

You know, I agree with everything else. But not the goldfish deal. I don't think that any living thing should be bought lightly, or as some fallback option because the parent doesn't want to buy the kid a dog. I worked in a pet store a few years ago for a long time, and it always bothered me to see little snot noses getting fish that would be lucky to live two weeks.

They should leave everything else up to the people, and not try to control everything. But I'm not a big fan of goldfish sales.

B....... said...

Good point Anon, a "Fish Big Enough To Fillet" sales regulation is needed.......

TechnoYid said...

Goldfish are just turtle food anyway. Who cares about them? California nutjobs.

toadold said...

The more concern a person "Publicly" displays about animals, the more likely it is that they hate people in inverse proportion. By giving animals "rights" they have the excuse to take away people "rights."
The more they give PC concerned speeches about respecting other cultures the more likely they will attack another cultures religious beliefs and dietary traditions unless it is those of Muslims who seem to scare the defenders of PC.

Anonymous said...

King County, Washington just passed a law that everyone involved in water sports of any kind (except flycasting) must wear a life jacket. No kidding. It's an 86 buck fine if you're caught swimming without one. Kind of presents a few pictures that make me giggle. Does that mean if Jesus came down again and walked on water HE'D be fined?

DougM said...

Impulse buying ain't as bad as impulse legislating.

Anonymous said...

IZZY, My wife had a pet snapping turtle. We bough 3 goldfish feeders for a dollar to feed "Cleo". He never touched them. They got to be frying size after a year or so. They out grew the tank. We gave them to a young lady with a big aquarium. Cleo pushed up the lid of our tank and crawled out the window never to be seen again. I guess he got lonely... He was a belligerent bastard, I hope he bites some senator on the toe. TDB
sorth ? opposite direction from nouth?

JMcD said...

The Real Story of America's Found-er-ing

Rodger the Real King of France said...

nicely twisted JMcD

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