Monday, June 06, 2011

Richar Glover- Tattoo Climate Deniers

Richard Glover's 'Denier" Tattoo
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs (sic) 

  Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

Not necessarily on the forehead; I'm a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ''Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?'' Richard Glover

Richard Glover's 'Denier" Tattoo

Ya-know, Gore was right.  This debate is over.  For the most part,  anyone who still believes in man-caused climate change is a True Believer, or is pushing the progressive One World  agenda.  In either case, offering proof to the contrary is wasted effort.  Yesterday Anonymoose (O-Club) had this observation, which pretty much pigeon-holes the world's Richard Glovers. It's all about control.

20110605 15:24 Anonymoose Though it's not worth reading an entire article, once again a group of internationalists, in this case the World Bank, are trying to get some kind, any kind, of a worldwide tax, both to set a precedent, and to have a continual stream of money into their filthy pockets.

In this case, a "CO2 levy" on jet and shipping fuel.


Jess said...

They're so full of it now, they're vomiting feces.

hellferbreakfast said...

Dump-truck mouth, wheelbarrow ass.

Anonymous said...

I've had this figured out for some time now. They're busybodies. Meddlesome busybodies. Busybodies just cant stand someone making choises. Some are elitists, some are zealots, some are control freaks, and some are misguided but truely concerned. Some are dangerous and some are benign but all of them are a pain in the ass. And usually liberal. I lost my train of thought.

Anonymous said...

Remember back when saying anything even remotely like this would have been met with resounding condemnation?

I mean the suggestion that anyone who disagrees with you ought to be enslaved? [Too harsh, you say? Who else is one allowed to "forcibly tattoo" but a slave? A Free Citizen? Not so much.]

Time to stand up and condemn this line of "thought" with all the vigor and disgust it deserves. Tyranny -- this is how it starts with the unopposed suggestion that those who disagree with you have their rights removed.


DougM said...

Although perhaps insignificant in and of themselves, these little fascist slips are becoming alarmingly more frequent.

Anonymous said...

May I steal some of your comment, Claire? Right on point.

Anonymous said...

Have at it, Mary, with my blessing. This canNOT be condemned too loudly nor too clearly.

"Slips," Doug? I beg to differ. That's a Nudge.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I know where he's coming from, I would love for every Obama voter to have a big O on the top of their right hand. Scarlet colored of course.

Cheesy said...

Tim, you may have lost your train of thought, but everything before that was on the money. With your permission, I'd like to show your quote to others.

Anonymous said...

I'd be honored Cheesy!

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