Thursday, June 16, 2011

Romney applauded by Al Gore on climate change

Romney applauded by Al Gore on climate change
The long parade of lefties endorsing Mitt Romney just added another clown. The DC's Alex Pappas reports: "Liberal Al Gore took to his blog Wednesday to applaud the former Massachusetts governor for his stance on climate change. '

Good for Mitt Romney... While other Republicans are running from the truth, he is sticking to his guns in the face of the anti-science wing of the Republican Party.' Gore went on to reference a Washington Post story that said Romney during a town hall meeting last week 'stuck to the position he has held for many years ” that he believes the world is getting warmer and that humans are contributing to it.'"

This endorsement is just in time for a NASA report that the world may be getting cooler and humans won't be able to do anything about it, because of sunspot activity. Whoops, sorry to bring science into it!

  As much as Democrats don't want Sarah Palin, they do want Mitt "McCain" Romney.  Whatever that means. Ahem.


Anonymous said...

And when I piss in the ocean, I contribute to the rising seas and increasing salinity.
Even if the great RKOF pissed in the ocean as well, somehow I don't think our contribution would be worth a mention, nevermind a panicky overblown reaction, except from the witnesses swimming nearby..
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Jess said...

Politicians are the dingleberries that hang from the ass of progress.

Anonymous said...

Jess, Khruschev said, "Politicians are the same the world over, always trying to build a bridge where there is no river."


Anonymous said...

Al is just trying to help Mitt take himself down.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking a 'mile wide and 1/2" deep' for Romney's support.
If you watched him on the news Thu PM, he walked like a robot as the plant manager yakked and pointed to this and that.

Animatronic Mitt.

Too uptight and scripted.

The race has a few more laps to go. Bachman has a good chance in Iowa, and if she's strong in NH, Mitt may be on the run once again...
Sarah contributes so much by wearing that bullseye on her back. The media uses all its arrows... She will be a power broker, I think.

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