Monday, June 20, 2011

The Snarlers

The Brit's take on Jon Stewart's Fox appearance
'You are insane!' The moment comedian Jon Stewart lost his cool with Fox News host Chris Wallace
The Snarler's
Stewart Snarls

File this with my earlier [Send in the Clown] post. That Stewart snarl reminds me of  Bill Clinton braving an appearance with Chris Wallace (Sept 26, 2006). I have a feeling both were double-dog dared. Or, maybe they just wanted to show-off their talent by whipping a right-wing hit-man in his own ballpark?  Things start to heat up at about the 4 minute mark in this video'

We have then two men, both accomplished actors, noted for a mesmerizing speaking delivery and rapier wit.  Both comfortable in their ability to think on their feet; and, I posit, looking forward to full victory props from lesser abled, adoring nutroots.  Alas, both are reduced to snarling, angry boys; frustrated by their inability to hit a change-up.

 It's why Democrats boycotted (boycotted!) scheduled debates hosted by Fox.  Years and years of being coddled —  having every pitch telegraphed by sycophantic media pitchers —  have left Democrats soft, flabby,  and slow.  It's a good thing daddy owns the media playing field, because these poseurs, who can't hit a curve ball, would not otherwise be playing in the Big Show.

From the transcript:

Slick Snarls
CLINTON: But at least I tried. That's the difference in me and some, including all the right-wingers who are attacking me now. They ridiculed me for trying. They had eight months to try. They did not try. I tried.

So I tried and failed. When I failed, I left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy and the best guy in the country, Dick Clarke, who got demoted.

So you did Fox's bidding on this show. You did your nice little conservative hit job on me. What I want to know is ...

WALLACE: Well, wait a minute, sir.

CLINTON: No, wait. No, no ...

WALLACE: I want to ask a question. You don't think that's a legitimate question?

CLINTON: It was a perfectly legitimate question, but I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked this question of.

I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked, "Why didn't you do anything about the Cole?"

I want to know how many you asked, "Why did you fire Dick Clarke?"

I want to know how many people you asked ...

WALLACE: We asked — we asked ...

CLINTON: I don't ...

WALLACE: Do you ever watch "FOX News Sunday," sir?

CLINTON: I don't believe you asked them that.

WALLACE: We ask plenty of questions of ...

CLINTON: You didn't ask that, did you? Tell the truth, Chris.

WALLACE: About the USS Cole?

CLINTON: Tell the truth, Chris.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

The nut-roots celebrated Clinton's "knockout, " but analysis showed that every statement Slick made during this interview were lies, half truths, and more lies. Duh.

DougT said...

I finally understand. As a conservative activist - apparently defined as anyone who thought Stewart just engaged in partisan hackery (as in Fox News-type political hackery, not unauthorized tapping into Ant'ny Weiner's boxer-briefs-type hackery) - I never comprehended the totally awesome awesomeness of Jon Stewart's kinetic comedic action. Now that I know that he was engaging in high-level comedic filtering, I realize that I simply can't comprehend the sheer awesomeness of his awesomeness. He really does engage in a high-functioning, non-partisan, Will Rogersesque kind of comedic awesomeness, in a most awesome way. I find myself feeling the same kind of awe I first felt when confronted with Barry's awesome Obamaness, Keith Olbermann's Murrow-like awesomeness, and Dan Rather's awesome "courage." But then, again, as someone who has watched Fox News, I'm probably just consistently misinformed.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Stewart, like Bill Maher, belives himself to be a Great Wit. They are both half right.

Larry in Rochester

Mark Alger said...

The Left's vampire-confronted-with-garlic-a-crucifix-and-holy-water snarl at Fox's "conservative bias" only reveals their sincere cowardice of their convictions. They really have no confidence they're right, so they have to attack Fox.

And, as a conservative icon, Fox is a straw man's straw man. Fox's "fair and balanced" is a cop-out.

There's only one right side in this argument, and it isn't the Left.

By giving "equal" weight to the Right's truth and the Left's lies, Fox gives the Left far more weight than it deserves. If truth and reality reigned, Fox would be the extreme Left and liberals would be weeping in their straitjackets.

Lithium all around.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Free Ale for you Marky!

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