of the end for small
fishermen’ |
![]() Let us bow
our heads and turn to Genesis 6:1 - 9:17; ver 2.01
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
of the end for small
fishermen’ |
![]() Let us bow
our heads and turn to Genesis 6:1 - 9:17; ver 2.01
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Revolutions are fought by fishermen and farmers.
Cap and trade.
As a Marylander I love my seafood, I remember blogger Weerdbeard had a post about his days as an inspector and how politically motivated whatever fed agency he worked for was. We need to free fishermen to make a living so we can have tasty fish and crabs.
I was a Northeast offshore fisherman for ten years, then went into the commercial fishing gear supply business for 20 years. This administration put my customers out of business and put me out of business. Green is the new red, and don't forget it. The US fishing industry is one of the most regulated industies, yet the envrios claim is is'nt enough yet. Soon there are going to be more enforcers than fisherman and thats no joke.No fisherman wants to deplete the stock of fish. Yet NMFS has used regulations to kill an entire industry because the envrios have allways hated commercial fisherman.Alot of them funded by Pew trust front groups. First they came for the man to the left of you, then the man to your right. Wake up people you are next!! When is enough, enough? Where's my pitchfork, lets burn them at the stake!
Something is missing from that article. What element in the formula allows big boats (big companies? foreign fleets?) to prosper while little guys can't make it? Did lobbyists for Pescobusiness help write the rules? Is there an economy of scale, or are the rules tilted toward politically connected companies and organizations?
Preserving fish stocks is one thing, but structuring the business to favor a particular group smells, and it ain't the fish.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
Well Dick, they restructured the entire effing auto business to favor the big dealerships, killing off small town guys overnight by cancelling their franchises. That's how they do it in Comandante Zero's "administration". As to who "allows it", well hell I guess we do. We're allowing 'em to get away with it......
H/Comet - I have little doubt something like that is at work. IIRC, the car business shenanigans weren't based so much on size, but even more evil, on whose donor list the business was on. Repub donor - your franchise is gone, Dem donor - we're giving you the now defunct Repub's business.
I wish the press would get back to investigative journalism and out some of these crooks and frauds, instead of forwarding what someone else said, which was usually a paean to the Uhbama/Kennedy/Daley machines, which was a belching of the party line.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
It is more a case of unintended consequences.
Small fishermen are based in the US, and can be reached by regulators. The big fishing fleets are owned by foreigners, and never visit US ports if they can help it ... they have a paid corp officer in the US.
When one of their ships gets caught in a violation ( rare, since they have to be boarded at sea ), they write it off, abandon the US corp, and form a new one.
So the whackos write more and more regs, and demand more and more enforcement ... and the feds do the cheap thing and step on small fishermen's necks, since they can't afford to go after the real offenders.
First they came for the loggers...
and the farmers...
and the crabbers...
and the fishermen...