Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Double Dip 'splantion

Double Dip 'splantion


Jess said...

Yada yada yada, yada yada yada and yada.

No new taxes. That's the worse thing that can happen today, but not tomorrow or next year.

It all depends on whether the hope to change the way things are is firmly established with the hope that change can happen when we decide we can make changes and hope is the corner stone for this change.

Anonymous said...

Every word that proceedeth from his lips is meaningless.


Jess said...

He could bend over, fart his speeches and be more relevant.

Anonymous said...

Accepting the Demonrats word about what they promise do in the future is like trusting Lucy to hold the football.

Freddie Sykes

Anonymous said...

Remember way back when President Bush the First said, "Read my lips. No new taxes." Then the Lib Dems snookered him into signing into law a string of new taxes by promising something in return. Then, in typical Democrat fashion, they did not keep their promise, then used that new tax against Bush during the election. That got Clinton into office.

It is about damn time the GOP uses that same tactic on The Komrade Doofus during the upcoming election season.

Rush is fond of saying, "Words mean things." The Komrade Doofus's words need to come back and haunt him next year, if not sooner.


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