Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Blogging the Blogroll

Blog Rolling Bacchanalia

Mr. Creosote

  1. Brian the Movie Guy gives COWBOYS AND ALIENS (C+)
  2. From Newsbusters: "Unhinged Chris Matthews Smears Tea Party Republicans as Baby-Kidnapping 'Terrorists' for Debt Deal"
  3. But First, Mistress, I Beg You to Blow Me - Agent Gethead
  4. Sondrakistan  To the astonishment of all Britain, Doug M is able to drive a TR-6 down the Pacific coast highway, eating girl food —  but with a lusty beer.  
  5. Michelle Malkin Introduces  the Democrat Crappy Meal
  6. Hot Air - On second thought, looks like the Super Committee can raise taxes
  7. Jimmy from PRS Beholds a Fort Collins Brewery Sampler.
Comment: A lotta people taking leisurely vacations to expensive locations.  I guess no everybody bought 10,000 shares of Martha Stewart's IPO.
  1. I Hate the Media - Let’s party like it’s 1999 (before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama)
  2. JAWA says watch the  Super Jihadist —When the crap hit the fan, he was OUT OF THERE!
  3. O-Club badanov Sh*t! Deleted my own post!
  4. American Digest - Gerard drools over vacuum cleaners.  No, not vacu-jacks; I said vacuum cleaners.
  5. Watts Up With That? - New term from the Chronicle: “Climate Thuggery”
  6. e-Claire  Why I left my job at Nude News  (Joke - she only posts here anymore)
  7. Dissecting Leftism - The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist
(To be continued.  I hafta make coffee)
  1. Moonbattery Rangel Back to Wallowing in Corruption Already
  2. Free Republic  - Everything
  3. Tiger Hawk - A short note on the argument over the "Bush tax cuts"
  4. Ka-Ching! Gasoline - 20¢ a Gallon
  5. Doug Ross -  Grim milestone: Barack Obama surpasses Jimmy Carter again,
  6. Chicago Boyz - Our Electricity Future (a bleak version)
  7. Wild Thing  Sarah Palin's 8/01/2011 interview with Greta Van Susteren
  8. The Corner:   Cadillac Coverage: The High Cost of Public Employee Health Benefits
  9. Weekly Standard Blog - Fiscal Conservatives Barred from Supercommittee
Comment:  Humming Bird feeder empty.  Be right back.
  1. Aggravated Doc Surg -  This is the longest Hemorrhoidectomy  in history.
  2. Grouchy Old Cripple -  Five Lies About The Debt Limit
  3. WIZ Blog -  Can't find his keys
  4. American Thinker - The Dirty Little Secret of Economics
  5. House of Eratosthenes - The Spending is Nuts
  6. Verum Serum  Response to Alex Pareene on Anders Breivik’s Christianity
  7. Front Page  Obama Confirms Iran, Al-Qaeda ‘Secret Deal’ »
  8. Glenn Beck GBTV Preview: S.E. Cupp talks with Thad McCotter on “Uncensored”
  9. View From The Porch - Little boxes all made out of ticky-tacky.
  10. Interested Participant - British weathermen discover that they were wrong ...  for the last 90 years
  11. JammieWearingFool - Fringe Extremist Obama Sues to Block Alabama Immigration Law
  12. Victor Davis Hanson: - The Tragic View Returns
  13. Red Maryland -  Not the Guy We Want Coming Off the Bench

Clean Plate


Anonymous said...

Damn, manic moment?


Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

did you just eat a bowl of tiny sauce-covered condoms?

Anonymous said...

Cowboys and Aliens was great. All four of us loved it.

Anonymous said...

Coney Island Whitefish with marinara.

DougM said...

Hey, the kitchen was closed, so all's I could get was the salad. Trust me, I wanted a burger.
(What? Well, it's was the most important item on the list to me.)

Anonymous said...

Doug, have you ever driven the Nacimiento-Fergusson Road? It runs from a mile South of Lime Kiln State Park on PCH over to Ft Hunter Ligget.


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