Thursday, August 04, 2011

Moe Leaks

More Medicare Cuts*
*Well, not really. A primer on the debt deal's health-care bookkeeping.

Under the terms of the deal, the 12-member joint select committee is supposed to reduce the 10-year deficit another $1.5 trillion by November. If it doesn't, or if Congress rejects or Mr. Obama vetoes the package, spending would be cut by $1.2 trillion automatically, including 2% across-the-board cuts to all Medicare providers. Benefit cuts and cost-sharing for seniors are excluded. [full]

Listening to Rush who just discussed today's WSJ editorial.   About how the WSJ, who applauded the debt  deal, just figured something out. If the select committee (dear God) deadlocks, and they will on everything, Medicare cuts will come from providers.  Not recipients, providers.  So, while Obamacare plops 40 million new people onto Medicare, the only reductions will be levied against those who are expected to treat them. 


Kristophr said...

Which will result in more providers refusing to see medicare clients.

They just never seem to have time to schedule them.

Jess said...

Which means more business for meat wagons at waiting areas.

I'm thinking the holistic approach will be better. Get old enough to not give a shit and take out a few dozen bureacrats. Three hots and a cot, with better health care.

toadold said...

Well when I was hanging around the waiting rooms a lot last year. I heard things just a tad hostile. Kind of on the order of. "Since they cover less and less I'm having spend more and more of my savings for less and less results. I'm starting to think the thing to do is make like an Arab, go out with a bang, and be able to leave something for my grandkids."
I canceled my own Medicare part B back in June. I figured I'd at least live better with the extra money for fripperys like food, rent, decent coffee, and etc. That and for some conditions they won't do anything until you are pretty close to totally disabled, so you live with that stress and pay for it at the same time. I'll be saving money up to do a "quiet" cash deal for future medical needs. I've noticed that more and more family practice doctors are not only dropping medicare but insurance of any kind. They can charge less because the don't have the paper work overhead and slow bill pay that comes with insurance companies. I perhaps know of a doctor who does consult and minor procedures for weapons and/or quality booze.

Anonymous said...

The only way it will work is for the gvt. to say any doctor who refuses Medicare/Medicaid loses their license. Totalitarianism is the only way for Leftist systems to work.

Then watch someone brilliant to set up medical centers in, say, the Bahamas with free flights. All good doctors move there. Then watch us invade and annex Bahamas.

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