Wednesday, August 03, 2011

MSNBC All-Stars Clear Up Everything

Larry, Moe, and Curly predict winner of presidential race

Lawrence O'Donnell, host of "The Last Word," flatly predicted the re-election of President Barack Obama.

Rachel Maddow also named Obama, attributing her pick to a thus-far weak Republican field.

But "Hardball" host Chris Matthews waffled, saying Obama's fate will rest largely on the economy as well as his GOP rival.

One easy opponent? Mitt Romney, whom Matthews dismissed as "a mood ring." And should Obama be running against Michele Bachmann, Matthews said, "He'll just have a hoot."

Lest you forget, O'Donnell  (who replaced Keith Olbermann after testing + for rabies, even by NBC standards)  was the producer and writer for the NBC series The West Wing, or more popularly, The Left Wing.  Last week confused WaPost scribbler Sarah Anne Hughes  wrote:         
In times of political trouble we turn to the wonkiest television show of all time, Aaron Sorkin’s “The West Wing,” for answers.

A scene from the season six episode “In God We Trust” explained the politics behind getting the debt ceiling raised.

“So this debt ceiling thing is routine or the end of the world?” Annabeth Schott asks Toby Tony Ziegler. “Both,” he responds.

As it turns out, you have MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to thank for this scene.

There you have it; A president, national policy, and newspaper scripted by an MSNBC All-Star.  Yes, teleprompters are used. 'Splains everything, Lucy.         


Jess said...

I hope the memory of Larry, Moe and Curly isn't besmirched by comparing them to pundits that can only be described as asswipes.

JMcD said...

The Duke of Durham.... The Count of Fife .... and Baron (Barren)of Graymatter

Chris in NC said...

Romney as a mood ring? That's pretty accurate. He doesn't work. He won't tell you anything you don't already know and then he tries to look snazzy doing it...

Michelle B. would eat Obama for lunch so bad that the press would be calling her a bully and defending Obama's decision to not debate after the first debate to not be further embarrassed.

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