Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Rev. Al, MSNBC All-Star

The Rev. Al Show is going to be awesome
And Here's Why ..

 But, says Jim Treacher, "I just realized who Al is ripping off:"


Anonymous said...

Kinda makes you want to smear him with dog shit, and burn him with cigarettes, don't it.


Anonymous said...

I had a detailer like that. He spoke for 1/2 hour and no one knew what he said.

JMcD said...

I believe Al has a Massa's Degree in Ebony Phonics (Ebonics).

Hey...wait a minute.That ain't ebonics, that be Sharpton Discumbobulated Bullshibberish.

Or it's WV: euchitt.... yeah that's what it is.

TimO said...

I was surprised to see in the paper just the other day that Prof. Irwin Corey is still around and just turned 97.
(I thought he had passed on years ago...)

BobG said...

"He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met."
- Abraham Lincoln

SondraK, naughty naughty bad wingnut said...

"a Massa’s Degree in Ebony Phonics"


Anonymous said...


I once saw Matthews interview Thomas Sowell. Chris asked this long, rambling question full of explanations and premises and Dr. Sowell just answered "Yes". That was the only time I saw Matthews NOT interrupt a guess.

Freddie Sykes

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"a Massa’s Degree in Ebony Phonics"

that's racist

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