Militant conservatives are effective because they
absolutely shameless. Many of the same people who think the rich should
be free to spend unlimited sums influencing our politics without having
to disclose anything are now asking Buffett to make his tax returns
public. I guess if you're indifferent to consistency, you have a lot of
freedom of action. - Baghdad
Bob Dionne & Hate Journalism

are eight million bizarre stories in the Naked Liberal Press. This has
been one of them."
James Taranto (Best
of the Web) coined the Baghdad Bob handle for Dionne, and it's
richly deserved. What set Baghdad Dionne off on that absurd
An editorial in The Wall Street Journal the other day called on Warren Buffett,
the billionaire investor who is serving as mascot for President Obama's
campaign for massive, job-killing tax increases, to release his own tax
returns. After all, Obama has leaned heavily on the ad hominem argument
that Buffett doesn't pay enough in taxes.
I present this as further example of why it's time for American
citizens to separate themselves from these new Amerikans, with whom we share no
values, no sense of history, and increasingly no common language.
Not secession, but expulsion from our union of certain problem
states. Maryland is one. It can be done rather peaceably,
relative to the alternative civil war, or rule by a fascist
state. I'm just saying.
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