Thursday, September 08, 2011

Here come da judge

Fed court tosses out 2 challenges to Obamacare...

Panel of 3 dem-appointed judges, including 2 appointed by Obama...

Rotting AF1

A three-judge Fourth Circuit panel comprised of two judges appointed by President Obama and one named by President Clinton, has dismissed a Virginia-based lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the national health care law's individual mandate, saying the state lacked standing to sue.

If letting Obama into the White House wasn't a death blow to our Republic, and it surely was; the Liberal's politicization of the courts, with its defacto creation of an oligarchical dictatorship, was very close to it.  Maybe our universe is in reality an ant farm owned by some other-galactic brat kid who lost interest in us after just a week and now spiders are in the process of eating us and leaving spider poop all over?   That at least explains it all.


Anonymous said...

Virginia AG Cuccinelli may ask for an en banc hearing. If not, off to SCOTUS.
The RNC really, really went FUBAR not backing Tea Party candidates for Senate in the last election. Reid won by just 4%, several others were very winnable, and with a shift of just four more seats we could repeal Uhbamacare without SCOTUS, or impeach Captain Bullshit.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

pdwalker said...

sounds like the most rational explanation to me.

Gayle Miller said...

The Won doubled down on incompetence on Thursday night and proved, once again and for all time, that he is a puppet for some unknown string puller who may or may not be named Soros!

At least he didn't blame W for his woes!

Anonymous said...

If we take the Senate, we have to cull the federal courts with impeachment. We can't let these lawyer fucks run it either, well, maybe Chuck. Some of them will need to be hanged.


Jess said...

"...Some of them will need to be hanged..."

I don't know why that made me laugh, but it did. Maybe it's because it's so necessary.

Anonymous said...

The barb of truth always hooks the laugh.


Anonymous said...

For years I have maintained the thought that should I become terminally ill, I would send a liberal judge ahead of me as point guard.

Anonymous said...

Only one? Think BIG!


cmblake6 said...

Going through the comments so far, I find little flaw of any form. Oh, remember, these appointees are in for life, or until impeachment. Just sayin'.

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